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Earth Star Network (ESN) is a galactic communications project, heaven-created to spread the pure light of the dawning golden age.  Launched on the 8 August 2012 to bring in the heart chakra energy of the Lion’s Gate, our mission is to connect earth’s light family to co-create the new world.  This is the true joyous collective meaning of planetary ascension.  The new Gaia won’t be brought into fullness by a single event or person, but will be the outcome of earth’s new multi dimensional family working in love and oneness to dream a whole new existence into physicality – TOGETHER IN EQUALITY.


Here is how we, your brothers and sisters in Christ consciousness at Earth Star Network, are offering to assist with this great unfolding of light!




Jean Haines – A Further Analysis On Neil’s (Keenan) Claim In Response

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Jean Haines – A Further Analysis On Neil’s (Keenan) Claim In Response – 23 August 2012

This piece seems to back up Neil’s claim in his response to “Blankfein.”

Neil wrote: “What we must all realize, though, is that the BIS, IMF and the WORLD BANK are all one and the same: all Globalists. Upon being appointed to the Head of the IMF, Christine Legarde did come forth and put a stop to the laundering of funds within the IMF, so the mirroring of Global Accounts has stopped there.”

‘White Money,’ Rank Probe, Polly Peck Ex-CEO: Compliance

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By Carla Main - Aug 21, 2012

Switzerland is delaying plans to require foreign clients of Swiss banks to declare they are tax-compliant to patch together two sets of legislative proposals, the Federal Department of Finance said.

The delayed consultation proposal for a tax-compliant and competitive financial center will be submitted to the Federal Council in January 2013 along with a draft consultation on combating money laundering, according to an e-mailed statement yesterday by Daniel Saameli, a spokesman for the Bern-based department.

To read the rest of this story, visit

The Ascended Masters: Your New Lives are Just Beginning

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Aug 23

 by Wes Annac



Energies of a Crystal resonation and vibration are being funneled down through your bodies and chakras, and many of you are beginning to recognize these energies as they are given through you. You are recognizing that these energies are indeed a sign of things to come, and this realization is making way for your unlimited powers of natural Creation to become known in wonderful ways.


You are beginning to understand the importance of vibrations and harmonic expressions of all of that which you wish to manifest in your Lives, and this is a process that has been guided by your higher selves who are existing in the states of consciousness that they have funneled themselves down to the realms of the third and fourth dimensions from, so as to exist in the dense vibrational planes of the Earth and learn lessons while helping others along their growth to ascend.

Awaiting the Crash

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Social Europe
21/08/2012 By

Nouriel Roubini famously described the long decline of the euro as a ‘slow motion train wreck’. Mind you, economists disagree on exactly when the wreck will happen. Vicente Navarro has argued on this site that the euro will survive for as long as it serves the purposes of the German (and European) elite while, in the Financial Times, Wolfgang Muenchau thinks the crisis will last another 20 years given Germany’s proclivity for muddling through. By contrast, Megan Green at RGE sees the confluence of crises in Greece, Spain, and Italy during September and October 2012 as potentially lethal. But all agree that—sooner or later—it will happen.

Ascension Process

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 Ascension Process + Divine Guidance + Mission/s at Hand + Unconditional Love of the Creator + Grid of Grace

(channelings below from SOURCE and GRACE)



A Message from SOURCE for All

SOURCE (Mother/Father God)
Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

A Vessel of Peace, Shanta Gabriel For Archangel Gabriel

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Dear Ones,


The past two weeks have been a powerful period of awakening. In the process you have been instrumental in creating a new template for Divine Love on the planet as well as assisting in bringing an immense download of this love and powerful light to create positive change on the Earth. Because Love will literally bring up all that is unlike itself within you, many are experiencing upheaval in their emotional states. In fact you may be noticing increased turmoil in many areas of your life.


There is a rewiring occurring in your nervous system. The evolved consciousness coming into manifestation on the Earth now is creating waves of emotional clearing. This can lead to volatility in those not adept at working on their emotional states with peaceful intentions. When you are feeling inner turmoil, consider the waves this creates around you in your energy field, like ripples on a pond. It is important that you deal with your emotions so you become a peaceful presence. This is part of your soul purpose at this time.


~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun Large Coronal Hole~

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QUIET SUN: With no strong flares for more than three days, the sun's x-ray output has nearly flatlined. Solar activity is low, and NOAA forecasters put the odds of an X-flare today at less than 1%. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


CORONAL HOLE: A dark hole in the sun's atmosphere--a "coronal hole"--is turning toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of the gaseous chasm, which measures more than 200,000 km from end to end, during the early hours of August 23rd:



Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows the underlying atmosphere to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this coronal hole should reach Earth on August 26-27. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on that date. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Connections We are all connected

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Thursday, August 23, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Connections

We are all connected

You are all connected and a part of each other, and you are also connected with us, it is but the human mantle that sets us apart. Feel this connect, feel your connection to the earth, to the stars, the people, the plants and the animals, each is connected to each other. Every action you take acts like an echo and sends that message in rippling waves out to those around you and they echo out and the ripple gets bigger and bigger as each one passes, touching and affecting all life around you.
Nurture that connectedness with love. Heal any discordant thoughts you are sending out to others as this will affect all that is around you. Trust your inner guidance and let it be an active participant in all aspects of your life. Ask your angels to help bring to you people and situations that will help you in this process and that you are surrounded by love and supportive people to help you along the way, just as you provide that for those around you.

Oracle Report - Thursday, August 23, 2012

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Thursday, August 23, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase - Moon in Scorpio

Today's energy requires skillful maneuvering by wise old owls.  Mars will enter Scorpio and our bodies may interpret the shift through feelings of anxiety or heightened fears.  Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and the combination of Mars and Pluto has the potential to get pretty ugly; therefore we energetically register the shift from harmonious Libra to domineering Scorpio.  This doesn't mean Mars' transit through Scorpio is going to be a negative experience.  As I mentioned yesterday, this is going to reform/refine our level of personal power.  Scorpio is the energy of transformation!  But since its ruler, Pluto, is the ruler of the Underworld, the transformation will come from a deep level and there may be other things hidden deep below that come up with it.  This factor is what brings in the feelings of anxiety and fear.  The hard part is standing by (letting it be) while the transformation occurs.  Remember, everything is changing form now - everything - but it is leading to something better.  By the time Mars enters Sagittarius on October 8, we will be much stronger individuals - physically, mentally, and spiritually.  It's a spiral sort of process. People are going to respond to this shift of Mars by attaching to the aggressive, war-like aspect of the energy and this is often felt most strongly the day a planet changes signs.  So this is where wise owls use wisdom to witness but not react.  The Sun has moved into Virgo, opposing Neptune, making the next couple of days highly spiritual.  This is the time when you want to turn on your conversation with our Source, the living planet.  To faciliate this, let go and let Gaia (Sophia).  Mars in Scorpio brings in a lot of control issues, but as we engage more fully with the planet, we come to realize that we are not in control at all.  We seek only to align with the vision of the planet and assist in her fulfillment of that vision.  In this way the pressure is off.  We follow along in service to a higher order.  There's a lot happening today.  When too many people around becomes too much, seek some solitude; but when too much isolation becomes heavy, seek out your Source.  Wise owls know this happens outdoors.


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by Suzanne Lie.




 We are YOU
Beloved Ascending Ones,
We, The Arcturians, observe that many of you are having a challenge during this final stage of integration of your new, Multidimensional Operating System into your old, third dimensional thinking. In other words, a part of you is fully multidimensional while another part, usually your earth vessel, feels like an anchor that you are dragging around with your consciousness. Actually, that is a correct metaphor. YOU are no longer your earth vessel, but you are still using it to remain attached to the 3D Earth Matrix.

You are much like a Hermit Crab who has grown too large for its current shell and is desperately looking for a larger encasement so that it can still crawl around the ocean to find food. Just a Hermit Crabs sometimes leaves the water, you are increasingly leaving your usual habitat. For myriad lives you have limited your environment to the physical plane. However, the physical reality is beginning to feel like a shell that no longer fits.

What Change Do You Seek and Why? What Is The Constant Emotion Within Yourself?

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Defrag Your Mind!


Did you realize there is a whole series of chain reaction that happens the moment you change your mind/change your energy about something?  All of life, all of your opportunities ebb and flow with your emotionally powered thought field.  If today you are so excited and powering up with your positive emotions with (fill in the blank) life rearranges itself to bring that very thing or desire to you.  It rearranges itself instantly and in sync with your emotional field.  If someone comes by and lets just say you share your excitement with them, and they say something like “well don’t count on that” and some part of you believes that and retreats the energy within you that was so firm and excited, the universe is instantly rearranging itself to meet your new retreated energy about that.

But also remember too, the universal life force has zero bias.  It see’s nothing as right or wrong, good or bad… everything just is and it is because of your emotional field.  If our strongest desire within us is to run away from life, in whatever way that happens to be… the universe WILL provide the way for you to do just that…. effortlessly, because this is what you are emotionally charging as your life.  So what happens when you get into the next version of your (runaway) life and nothing is really different except maybe the scenery?  I have done this soooo many times over the course of my life.

We are so supported, so loved and honored thru all that we do or don’t do by the universal life force… by love itself, without bias.

Now in the cases where we are simply running… seeking outside of ourselves for what we should be seeking inside of ourselves, the universe will create the perfect storm for you to just stop and take another look, another approach to life.  Often times (speaking for myself here) we simply pick up and move elsewhere… for yet another storm to arrive until one day we stop running and look deep within.  Hell I ran from the time I graduated high school at 17 until the day the Ouija Board change my life at 38… and spent a few more years running even after that, since running was all I knew.

There are those times when we are running into something we do not need as part of our life lesson and the universe will put up as many stoppers as possible.  Right before I graduated high school I ran into the Navy.  Not because I wanted to, but because I was becoming terrified at what layed on the other side of school.  No more foster system to protect me, I had no family that would help me to be an adult… yes the Navy would offer me security.  I joined and lost the greatest love of my life.  Of course, I was terrified of love and was sure my boyfriend of 2 and a half years was growing tired of me.

The week I was supposed to leave for boot camp I developed this very strange rash on the back of my hands and on my knees.  No one knew what it was and the Navy would not take me with it.  Years later it was diagnosed as psoriasis.   A year on my own and I was drowning in life responsibilities… back to the Navy I ran.  This time tho, I popped positive for a pregnancy test, there was no way in hell I could have, or would have told them I just had an abortion so it was really a false positive, once again, my perceived security blanket of life was blocked and they wouldn’t take me.


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