Aisha North: The manuscript of survival – part 185

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The manuscript of survival – part 185

 •August 24, 2012 • 

Todays missive will mayhaps be a bit confusing, as we would like to delve further into the topic of time. We have touched upon this subject many times before, as this is mayhaps the most important issue we would like to share with you at the moment. For many of you, the concept of time has already started to manifest in different ways than before, as you have already entered the twilight zone to call it that, where things start to warp and shift in so many ways. This can be disconcerting, as time has been the one constant you have been able to literally trust, but now, it all seems to blend and merge and shift in so many ways, and it will inevitably lead to confusion and mayhaps more than that.

The Winds of Change Are Howling: Do You Know Where Your Going To?

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There is a common statement I hear from around the world that goes sort of like this “I know things are changing, but they don’t feel like they are changing for me, not that I notice anyway.”  So I have been using the analogy of a glass of water.  Let’s use this glass of water from our massive reboot state from August 8th and 11th.  Your glass was an open container.  The wisdom that got you to that point now forms the glass, which is really your body and consciousness.  Your glass container now has a very different frequency vibration than every before and each day, several times a day a new droplet of water is added into your glass.

Now if you can imagine an actual glass being on your counter and you had an eye dropper and squeezed one droplet of water into that glass, you more than likely will not even notice the droplet’s addition to the glass.  Even adding 3 or 4 droplets a day, you really don’t notice any big gain in the glass at all.  But yet, it is filling up with new water constantly, the new droplet is integrating with the previous droplets changing the entire glass of water with each addition.  But who would notice?  Do this for a week, 2 weeks, a month, now there is something to see, to measure within yourself.


This Is Going To Shock The World – John Mauldin

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Thursday, August 23, 2012 13:17 


Today John Mauldin stunned King World News when he went into detail about events that will, “… be a shock to the world.” Mauldin, President of Millennium Wave Securities, also warned, “Nobody sees that coming.” Here is what Mauldin had to say: “The problem is the deficit. We hit the wall, I don’t think most people really understand how catastrophic it would be to hit that wall. It’s just something that we haven’t seen in the US. It’s not in anybody’s lifetime experience, and it would be ugly.”

John Mauldin continues:

“If you want to know what it looks like, go to Spain, go to Greece, go to Argentina. Go to any one of a couple hundred countries that have hit that wall. There is a wall. There is a limit. It’s more difficult this time. We’ve got a deeper, bigger problems.

Debt crisis: German finance ministry examines cost of Greek exit

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A special working group, led by deputy finance minister Thomas Steffen, is working on scenarios in the case that Greece is forced to withdraw from the 17-nation bloc, the Financial Times Deutschland reported on Friday.


"Colleagues are making calculations about the financial consequences [of an exit] and are considering how a domino effect on other euro member states might be prevented," it quoted a finance industry source as saying.

There is no separation from the One Source. – Michael by Ron Head

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There is no separation from the One Source. – Michael by Ron Head

August 24, 2012 

In accordance with your desire to receive new and pertinent information for those following these messages, we would like to offer the following.  Within a week it will be possible for all with sincere daily practices of meditation or contemplation to contact their higher selves and receive unmistakable confirmation of connection with their own energy bodies.  Directing thought to their Source, whatever they might name it, will likewise result in unmistakable connection.

Victory To The Great Goddess Kundalini – 24 August 2012

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Victory To The Great Goddess Kundalini – 24 August 2012

What is Kundalini?

Kundalini is a term from the yogic tradition for the power of the Divine. It is Kundalini who creates the universe and knows Its Self as Creator. Kundalini has been called “the face of God.” Just as we recognize someone by his or her face we recognize the Divine by Its power of Consciousness, Kundalini. It is Kundalini that clothes the formless in form, that gives the Absolute a face to adore, a presence to inspire, traditions to revere and a body of wisdom to serve and guide. She is the esoteric goal of all yogas, the awakened mind of the thatagatas and the transcendent vision of saints and sages. By knowing Her, all is known and life becomes suffused with ananda – sublime joy. The source of that joy is our very own Self, forever present, nearer than our breath, waiting in Stillness to be revealed. Drown the ordinary ego-mind in Stillness if you truly want to know the Knower.

The Eastern traditions revere Kundalini as a Goddess, the Great Mother who gives birth to all that is. She is seen as taking on limitations, contracting and condensing to form the material world. She is the essential energy, more fundamental than nuclear power, that is the basis of who we are and all that we experience. When our limited mind is infused with Her transcendent power of Consciousness we know directly the truth of our unity with the Divine and all Its creation. Every spiritual tradition has its name for Kundalini – Holy Spirit, Grace, Shekhinah, Anima, Chi, Bodhicitta- and every saint and mystic has known Her blessing. Seekers on all paths need Her grace to succeed on their journeys. For this reason shamans, yogis, monks, priests, nuns and aspirants of all types approach Her as suppliants. Being the Great Mother, the Great Lover, She’s willing to take whatever shape and bare whatever name Her children wish to use as they bow to Her.

The Lost Decade of the Middle Class - Fewer, Poorer, Gloomier

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Pew Research Center
Released: August 22, 2012


Chapter 1: Overview

As the 2012 presidential candidates prepare their closing arguments to America’s middle class, they are courting a group that has endured a lost decade for economic well-being. Since 2000, the middle class has shrunk in size, fallen backward in income and wealth, and shed some—but by no means all—of its characteristic faith in the future.

These stark assessments are based on findings from a new nationally representative Pew Research Center survey that includes 1,287 adults who describe themselves as middle class, supplemented by the Center’s analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 24 August 2012

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 SaLuSa – 24 August 2012

SaLuSa, August 24, 2012

The period you are in now is a bit like the calm before the storm, as in reality you know only a little about what is really happening. Yet our activities are putting the pressure on those who need to step aside, to allow the New Age to commence. Either they move or we will do it for our Allies, and that will result in a great deal of happenings that will finally hit the media. It will be what you have been expecting and will gather pace very quickly. Even so it will take some weeks before the remnants of the old paradigm can be removed, and thus allow the introduction of that which is to replace it.

As we have often informed you, everything is ready to go ahead, and we will be every bit as delighted as you will be when it does so. In the first instance much of the work will be carried out by our allies, who are well prepared for their role in the proceedings. We have been guiding them for a long time and are extremely grateful for their cooperation, as we are with Lightworkers in general. Many of you incarnated especially at this time knowing what challenges lay ahead for you, and were chosen because of your loyalty and service to the Light.

Visionkeeper – Be Honest With Yourself And Be Prepared – 24 August 2012

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Visionkeeper – Be Honest With Yourself And Be Prepared – 24 August 2012


It is amazing how fast the summer has slipped away and fall has crept up behind us. Of course time really isn’t speeding up, rather the time lines are compressing and time itself is quickly becoming something entirely different for all of us. In actuality time does not exist beyond the present moment. We are sitting here between the compressing time lines and feeling the pressure, we can sense the urgency of what is taking place, and this often times makes us uncomfortable and anxious.

Having had the timeline of December 2012 offered up to us as the ending of the old and the birth of the new, this I am sure has heightened our anxiety as we watch the days tick down to some coming event. If we are anxious about what lies ahead we can be sure the dark ones are as well. It is time to sit down with ourselves and take note of where we are at on our journey and be honest with ourselves, are we ready for what is coming? In the times that lie ahead we must remain calm and strong within, but how can we know how we will react to whatever comes our way?

8-23-12 Bill Ballard Tonto National Forest ~ Answering A Few Questions About Ascension

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Pubblicato in data 24/ago/2012 da pearls2u

People have been asking me what is ascension as they have heard various descriptions. Ascension has many different meanings depending on whether it is individual, collective, Mother Earth or Universal Ascension or even dimensional ascension. This is a short video just highlighting those topics. Its done from the Tonto National Forest in Arizona, kind of windy but worth sharing. LOVE!


Oracle Report - Friday, August 24, 2012

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Friday, August 24, 2012


First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Sagittarius

Everything that I wrote yesterday is still in effect, so you may want to go to the Archives and re-read the report.  There is a major addition today, however.  Our two guardian angels are protecting, guiding, and directing us.  Those two guardian angels are the Earth and the Sun and this photograph of the auroras last night by A. Spencer in Iceland (reposted from is a graphic demonstration of this.  Solar windstreams and the atmosphere of Earth combine to paint the auroras.  Today, Sophia and the Sun (who are a team) intervene in the experiment (us) and will soften the energy.  Nothing should be rushed today.  "Ways" are going to be shown to us.  Be on the lookout for things in two's, particularly animals, birds, and insects.  This is how the planet will make herself known and remind us that we are under her care and protection.  One thing I can't say often enough this month: everything is changing form.  This makes it almost impossible to grasp and understand what is happening (because things are still in the process of metamorphosis/transformation).  The only thing we can do is follow along and hold the vision that what is really happening is we are changing.  (Actually, we already changed last month with the "upgrade" to our energetic fields.  Now our bodies and our material world have to catch up.  We've already become what we were changed into - we just haven't figured it out yet/adjusted to it/accepted it.)  There's no going back.  Some of us are handling this better than others of us.  But what's here now/ahead is better, merely by the fact that the upgrade made it easier for us to communicate and consciously participate with the planet in her vision and correction - but also by proxy in our everyday lives. Walk around today with the comfort of knowing that we are protected by our two guardians.  And it is always good to give thanks. 


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