The Eyes of God / Creation Await Our Arrival!

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Well yesterday was a first in my reading world, every single person got the same visual.  Imagine the worlds largest shower curtain, that’s what it looked like.  A huge circular golden rod at the very top of this white curtain of circular energy around each persons body and life.  We could see nothing else.  And the field wasn’t offering up anything tangible at all.  However, we did get some interesting details about whats coming up… well, a wee bit.

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-14-2012 – Your Love Creates the Change~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-14-2012 – Your Love Creates the Change~




Greetings Loved Beings,

Quite a lot of movement today, as soon as the Sun got quiet our Planet started moving. We’re still on a ride, though not a wild ride so far as the Love All are spreading to our Beloved Mother Earth=Heart is having a HUGE impact on the outcome of the Shift. You may think your “personal” Love might not be so much impacting the whole... Nothing more wrong!!! Every second you adress LOVE to any Being, you Are Changing the whole Consciousness! Because you Are a Creator!

We will speak this morning on the subject of channeling. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

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We will speak this morning on the subject of channeling. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

May 14, 2012 

We will speak this morning on the subject of channeling.  We see many being drawn to attempt to learn this art.  This is a wonderful thing, and it is an urge to connect with spirit and with things with which they are familiar from some lifetime.  Many are receiving results however which they have not expected.  We will give several of the reasons why this may be so, and give a suggestion of how to avoid this in the future.  First, however, let us say that in no way are we saying that any experience should create guilt or self-condemnation.  You very likely are releasing things from lifetimes with which you are not even familiar.  The method we shall give you, and which you have likely already been given but do not give enough attention to, will easily resolve all of these problems.

Imagine a global understanding of Oneness...

Anonymous's picture
You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!


Imagine a global understanding of Oneness...


If a 12 years old can do it... and get it...

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12-year old Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in America Conference, Philadelphia, PA. For more information see Viewing on Mozilla Firefox is a known issue, where YouTube says video is not available. Other browsers work fine.

The View From Down Here: Utah's Bryce Canyon

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(editor's note: Bryce Canyon in southern Utah is a beautiful national park by daylight. But it is gaining quite a reputation for its night time activities as well. The unique altitude and climate make for one of the best star gazing sites in the world!

I'm so happy to report that news of activities happening outside and around our planet continue to intrigue more and more people!
Just a few years ago, "space geeks" were the only ones interested in all the wonderous events of our neighboring planets, stars, and galaxies. Now it seems everyone has their eyes to the skies!
The view from down here is a special vantage point, so I hope you enjoy this report and get a better understanding of how important YOU are to the beautiful Cosmos we all call home.  
~All my Love, Boo)



What keeps stargazers coming back to Bryce Canyon?


The mysterious wonders of the hoodoos and other Bryce Canyon National Park landforms are rightfully the first focus of attention for visitors to the southern Utah destination.

Stretching Science: 13-Year Old Girl Develops Cure For Hiccups

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(editor's note: Many of us think of "science" as a sterile laboratory filled with noxious odors and sleep-deprived people in white coats hunched over a microscope. Today's story is about a 13 year old girl who developed a cure for hiccups. While this may not affect everyone, what will this bright gem bring us next time? Where will this young imagination wander tomorrow?

I'm so excited as each month passes to see the tremendous advances in our world. Soon, all of this information will be public knowledge, no more secrets, no more hiding and I will be moving on to yet another project :)
~All my Love, Boo)



13-Year-Old Girl Develops Cure For Hiccups


A 13-year-old girl from Manchester, Connecticut—Mallory Kievman—may have found a cure in getting rid of hiccups!

Called ‘Hiccupops’, they are made with apple cider vinegar and sugar—which according to her will ‘over-stimulate’ the hiccup causing nerves in our throat and mouth, and making the hiccups stop!

Her patented Hiccupops have won prizes for innovation and patentability.


Healing Earth News: Recycling 101 in Today's Electronic World

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(editor's note: Today I bring you an article from the Earth Day Network titled, "Recycling 101 in Today's Electronic World." Hopefully as you move about the day, you'll view your electronic devices in a different light; perhaps even come up with some recycling innovations for your own community!

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



Recycling 101 in Today’s Electronic World


Natural Remedies: St. John's Wort - Grow Your Own!

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(editor's note: Many of my posts include powerful plants like St. John's Wort. Why not plant your own? Today I'll give you some tips on growing and harvesting this fascinating plant.

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
I have now archived my articles on Facebook:

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)



St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)


Inside Chemical Drug Corporations: Former Sales Rep Says The Truth: Pharma Doesn't Want to Cure You

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Comment: I'd like to remind that withdrawal symptoms can completely disappear as soon as you're centered and feel complete. Withdrawal have to do with believe systems as well as eyerything else. If you believe you'll suffer hell... you will. If you simply follow the flow, you'll surf out of it. Thus, never do it if you don't feel safe inside of yourself. It's not a battle, it's a letting go. 




Strange New UFO Found on Google Sky

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Strange New UFO Found on Google Sky

Tom Rose
Gather News
Mon, 07 May 2012 15:01 CDT

An intrepid UFO hunter, with his eyes peeled on Google Sky, has spotted a strange, gigantic, disc-shaped object which defies conventional explanation. What is it? 

The object, spotted by YouTuber planetkrejci, is circular and a mottled greenish-hue. Looking more like something out of a Hollywood movie than any known spacecraft, this and other anomalies found on the popular software app have yet to be explained convincingly.


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