~Liberation Day Meditation, This has Been Put Into Full Activation~

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Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine Calling All Truth Out



 Today, We wish to state a moment of peaceful prayer to all corrupt systems and send them loving energies for they have played there roles and are no longer needed as we each begin to live our spiritual lives of Peace, Equality, Onness, True Family, Joy, Laughter, Magical Synchronostic Events and Un~conditional love, Heaven On Earth...


The current  system's are corrupt and do not support Life....{I} We require at this time that with Love they dissolve immediatly... 



We Now ask that these systems dissolve peacefully with grace and integrity...and make way for a peaceful and smooth transition into a New Earth=Heart, in Support of God's Love for all of US and according to this next level of our evolution. This will end all suffering and pain, and be replaced with what is Real. Love and Only Love, Love is the Only Law On this Planet..We ask and give permission that the illusion completely dissolves Now, So The Transitionary Government can Be Announced To Humanity to Bring In the Necessary Events and Change's for Humanity's Freedom.




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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

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Dear friends, 

naturally, and especially on the important date of May 5th, which is a 5-5-5 day of great transformation, I connected deeply with Beloved Gaia, feeling Her radiant purity and exquisite beauty in my heart. My connection to Her is very old and leads back to the time when She was in the radiance of Her original Divine State, - many many eons ago. Especially today also the portal to the Galactic Center is open and It is pouring It's Radiant Light of Lights on Her (and all of us), and I can feel Their marriage in my heart and body, while I experience new Light-Codes being implemented into my being. In this moment the intuition that I always had, is confirmed to be true, as I feel directly my own origin in the Galactic Center. I believe that all humanity once came from there. 

Lee~Anne Peters ~ A Twist Of Love & A Squeeze Of Expansion! ~ 6 May 2012

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Lee~Anne Peters ~ A Twist Of Love & A Squeeze Of Expansion! ~ 6 May 2012


What has been happening? Did the world shift overnight? I personally have been feeling a climax of energy building for the past six weeks and overnight – during the 5:5:5 alignment (5th May 2012) and the full mOOn something happened!! I am not the only one it seems, I am already receiving many reports of a shift!! Here’s what I am feeling…


I am feeling that the collective energy has taken a lift up to a new volume! This new volume is a jump in energy vibration for the collective WHOLE! Some people will be sensing this consciously and some unconsciously – either way it doesn’t matter. What this jump is specifically is not important, what is important right now is INTEGRATION and anchoring this heightened energy into our body and life – to really bring Heaven to Earth or Spirit to Matter.


There are so many different ways for you to integrate, anchor or ground energy and it will ultimately be governed by your body and your sensitivity to subtle energies.


Crystaqueous ~ The Blessed Story Being Told On The Earth Stage ~ Part 10 ~ 6 May 2012

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Crystaqueous ~ The Blessed Story Being Told On The Earth Stage ~ Part 10 ~ 6 May 2012


Although all are indeed on their journey to role termination whether they realize it or not, I feel it’s healthy to keep a focus on the fact that an incredibly wonderful Story is being told which highly depends on every single role that’s being acted out upon this earth stage.  And therefore there is incredible significance to every detail and every event transpiring here.  Very often these take the form of entering into a romance, breaking up from the same, protesting for peace at some government capitol center, taking a trek with one’s sweetheart into a high and beautiful mountain on a delightfully sunny and warm day, writing a book, raising a child, getting sick and well again, teaching truth and healing the diseased, the hour commute to the work place, growing a garden, and making the matrix film, etc, etc, etc,.

And how amazing are the developments in the Story! More and more are apparently tuning in so to speak to Spirit considerations.  And even though much distortion is present, this is really beside the point and doesn’t even matter. The Script being the profound intricate network that It is, there is no option but that all things be perfect just as they are.


Marylin Raffaelle ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 6 May 2012

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Marylin Raffaelle ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 6 May 2012


Dear ones, we are here to greet  and welcome you all in this new era of energy.  You are now feeling  change within.  Many are feeling disoriented and wonder if there are physical issues.  No, what you are experiencing is simply the adjusting necessary  as the body integrates the higher frequencies.  Much is changing within the physical body as  cells release that which is old, and integrate the new and higher.  When you are feel sick, or weak, or your ears are ringing etc., just remember that you are making huge changes within your physical, emotional, and mental systems.  Rest more, allow yourselves to enjoy what you enjoy, drink and eat cleanly, and fill your consciousness with truth, while letting go of  all  that is old and finished.  We are not saying that you should not consult a doctor if you are guided to do so, but be aware that the energy is affecting how you physically feel.


You are well on your way to a new and brighter world experience even though it often does not appear that way.  Much is yet to be revealed and much is yet to be experienced by those of you choosing to ascend.


~Space Weather Update~ Big New Sunspot Coming Around~

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BIG NEW SUNSPOT: New sunspot 1476 is large and crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares. Because of the active region's location near the east limb, the eruptions are not geoeffective, although this could change in the days ahead as the sunspot turns toward Earth. Solar flare alerts: text, phone.


LIVE METEOR RADAR: NASA's all-sky fireball network captured another haul of bright eta Aquarid meteors last night--ten fireballs in all. This suggests that the shower is still active, and might even be peaking, on May 6th. Tune into Space Weather Radio for live echoes from these bits of Halley's Comet as they fly over the US Air Force Space Surveilance Radar in Texas.


SUPER MOON: Last night's full Moon was a "super moon," as much as 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons of 2012. The phenomenon, also known as a perigee moon, is caused by the elliptical shape of the Moon's orbit around Earth. Big, nearby moons like this come along about once a year; they are harmless, beautiful, and, seen from certain angles, very romantic:


Life’s Kundalini Fire is Upon Us – Clearing & Enhancing ALL!

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I have decided the next time I see any form of lightning appearing in the field, I am tucking tail and running the other way!  It just seems to fry my brains!  I could feel my brain activity come to a halt as I closed out yesterdays sharing. I was hoping it was just for a moment, but of course not.  My first reading went nowhere fast.

My second one tho, was a birthday reading bought by her daughter and I soooo wanted to read for her.  So I trained my vision on the field and pulled energy up from every where I could find within my body.  What I had seen and felt just caught me by such surprise.


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