The Asexual Pollination IS Underway Thru YOU!!

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The Asexual Pollination IS Underway Thru YOU!!

Before I get to the incredible details that were released all day long yesterday thru every reading… I want to talk a bit about my own experience in the heart field of community.

As I was scouring different stores on the internet to get prices and comfortably of computer chairs to go to in the afternoon, I suddenly remembered the thrift store I got my couch from.  This is a family owned business, relatively new and the kindest people I have met.  I decided to call and see if they had any comfy chairs to offer.  Of course they did!  I took a journey into Albuquerque to go pick out my “new to me” computer chair with a budget of $100 that was gifted to me the night before.

As you change yourselves, you change everything. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

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As you change yourselves, you change everything. – Michael  by GLR Ron Head

May 4, 2012


Our message for this morning is on the subject of love.  Unconditional love is the essence of the force which powers the universe.  It takes a multitude of forms, yet underlies all life.  It manifests as sound, light, and energies of all types.  If you hear it, its purest essence is love.  If you see it, its purest essence is love.  All is alive.  All is conscious.  All is love.

I Am a voice of Gaia and I Am Ascended and Free

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I Am a voice of Gaia and I Am Ascended and Free




by GLR Yojman


Participants of Love, Earth speaking:

 As my Sacred Meridians continue to absorb and obey
the programming of the Intelligence within the Sacred Fire that is supercharging them  and every atom at this moment, it is for you

to know that your Meridians and all systems of your bodies—that

finally out-picture as your / our physical body’s—are obeying the

Imagine a new peaceful role for our military...

Anonymous's picture
You can create the world you want to live in.
It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine a new peaceful role for our military...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)

The View From Down Here: Full Moon Saturday

Anonymous's picture

(editor's note: Saturday is an important date on so many levels. 5.5.5, Wesak, open portals and the Scorpio full moon.

This moon integrates the opposing Taurus (security) and Scorpio (healing through crisis and transformation).

Tomorrow is the best time of year to wade through the muck of your personal Scorpio swamp in order to reach the peace of your Taurus higher ground.


So today I bring you a Wesak Full Moon video.

As you gaze up at the beauty and power of this moon tomorrow, know that you are joined by millions of us -feel our collective energies!

Stretching Science: Smart Doorknobs, Life-Size 3D Holograms & An End To Aging?

Anonymous's picture

(editor's note: Smart doorknobs, life-size 3D holograms, and an end to aging? Say it aint' so Boo! I have a feeling that in the months to come, articles from my "Stretching Science" segment will be even more fantastic as higher technologies continue to be released to us from our Star Family.

In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.
~All my Love, Boo)



'Smart Doorknobs' and Gesture-Controlled Smartphones: Revolutionary Technology Enables Objects to Know Your Touch


MAY 04, Meridians Now

Yojman's picture

Participants of Love, Earth speaking:

 As my Sacred Meridians continue to absorb and obey
the programming of the Intelligence within the Sacred Fire that is supercharging them  and every atom at this moment, it is for you

to know that your Meridians and all systems of your bodies—that

finally out-picture as your / our physical body’s—are obeying the

same unfathomable Intelligence. This reason alone, is enough
for each of you to chose to move into rapid alignment with the

Elemental Kingdom within you and around you. This is what our

beloved Jesus and all other Masters did to support the Resurrection

Healing Earth News: Watching The Sierra Nevada Mountains Grow

Anonymous's picture

(editor's note: By now, I hope everyone is comfortable with the concept that seismic movements of Gaia's tectonic plates are simply Her way of healing. A group of scientists seem to actually be studying our planet as the living, changing organism She truly is! The Sierra Nevada mountain region is rising in height at a relatively fast rate and those changes can actually be observed from earth and from space.

Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support.
~All my Love, Boo)



Rapid Sierra Nevada Uplift Tracked by Scientists


From the highest peak in the continental United States, Mt. Whitney at 14,000 feet in elevation, to the 10,000-foot-peaks near Lake Tahoe, scientific evidence from the University of Nevada, Reno shows the entire Sierra Nevada mountain range is rising at the relatively fast rate of 1 to 2 millimeters every year.


Natural Health Remedies: Antibiotic Alternatives On The Horizon & When To Plant App

Anonymous's picture


(editor's note: Today's Natural Remedies article is new research from the University of Manchester. It seems they have found a weakness in bacteria that could lead to the development of non-antibiotic alternatives. Something more symbiotic in our bodies? No more drug-resistant bacteria? I'm just delighted to see mainstream Western medicine embracing harmonious health instead of synthetic chemicals!
And I'm also bringing you a handy gardening guide. Knowing when to plant those medicinal herbs just got easier -there's an app for that!

In time, the science of light and sound will advance so that we can update our medical centers, similar to those used on our Healing Ships.
Awakening within us all is the ability to completely heal ourselves.
As our bodies evolve from carbon-based to a crystalline-based structure, we must all learn how to properly nourish and treat our physical body.
Through this "Natural Remedies" segment I hope to introduce you to methods of healing you may not have tried, as well as building your knowledge base so you can help others.
Thanks to a suggestion from "Nails" I have now archived my articles on Facebook:

~Be well, all my Love, Boo)



Oracle Report May 4, 2012

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Gibbous Moon Phase

Day 3 of the three-day period before the super-conjunction of the Sun, the Black Moon, and Jupiter:  As we continue our deep descent into a blaze of transformation, bright light accompanies us.  This photo is last night's sky over Poland (by M. Nikodem), capturing Venus at its brightest for all of 2012.  Tomorrow's Full Moon (which also accompanies the super-conjunction) is the biggest and brightest of all the Full Moons this year.  By now you are probably reaching your limit with something.

Support Obama by Wes Annac

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Support Obama by GLR Wes Annac



I have posted this in the ‘Making First Contact’ section because I believe Obama will be very instrumental in bringing disclosure and ‘First’ Contact to us.

“Every person I know who is on the inside, still in black-ops, reveals that there is great hatred of Obama within their ranks because he is NOT working on their side.”- David Wilcock

 “Regardless of celestial origin and current culture, age, skin color, religion, gender, ethnicity, or nation of residency, prior to birth all peoples now on the planet knew the soul who would incarnate as Barack Obama and joyfully agreed to his becoming president of the United States to lead that country and the world into the Golden Age”- Matthew Ward

World Liberation Day - Last Update by Cobra

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World Liberation Day - Last Update by Cobra

Our moment of breakthrough has arrived. We will gather and create a resonance field for our freedom.


Many groups have designed their own visualizations for this event. This is ok if they are so guided, but it would be better to use the exact visualization I have specified, to create the most effective result. You can find it here:
After the World Liberation Day, our liberation process will continue. It is a global process that will culminate in our actual liberation. Hereby I am issuing a call to all people wanting to be free to actively participate. The process that Drake is speaking about and has started in the US is now spreading worldwide.


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This is a video collaboration between Oribel Divine, Dr. Meg (Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.) and Anders Holte. An idea came to Oribel when she first received her set of The Living Light Cards created by Dr. Meg. One of the cards, The Master's Staff, #38 kept popping up and the meaning behind The Master Staff's symbol absolutely resonated with Oribel and she wanted so much to share them with others as well. And so began the journey of the creation of this video.
Dr. Meg gave her blessings and her permission to use the words for this video and Anders Holte was happy to contribute his wonderful high consciousness music Lemurian Home Coming for this video creation.

And with that I hope you enjoy the final result which to me is a journey for the senses and ask that you just allow for whatever to come up come up.

With passion,


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