Bix Weir…”Take Down of the Federal Reserve System Begins”

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Bix Weir…”Take Down of the Federal Reserve System Begins” Commentary from Kauilapele's Blog

Posted on April 18, 2012


Someone emailed this to me, and I found it supportive of all the information coming out from Drake, David Wilcock, et al., about coming events. And he includes the video that was shown in this post. He added this in the email:


“I’ve been knee deep in analysis lately but wanted to get this article out ASAP. Watch Ron Paul come back into the limelight chasing this issue down! All is on target and going according to plan. We are CLOSE to being free once again!”


ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. ♥ Miracles Abound.♥ By, AuroRa Le. April 19, 2012.

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ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. ♥ Miracles Abound.♥ By, AuroRa Le. April 19, 2012.



Miracles abound, my children, and they are everywhere you look. Do you not feel your hand in God’s, holding the brush as it softly strokes the canvas, creating beauty from what seemed to be nothing? Peer closely now. Examine your world with eyes afresh, a child’s eyes, and see the masterful strokes of color – some bold, some fine – telling the story of the approaching new day. These are colors as yet unseen by the human eye, though what they paint is warm, familiar and dearly known. They blend, one into the other, to form life. Your life. A brand new life. One of lightness and cheer, but also of depth and purpose. As the mighty Light Bringers, you are doing what has never been done before. Never, in all of what you call time or in the glorious history of the cosmos, has such a sight been witnessed. You have raised high a planet and all who dwell upon her, all with the simple act of love. Simple, yes, because there is nothing that comes more naturally to you. You, the seasoned warriors, have shone brightly and come through in all your brilliance and determination. This is your crowning achievement, and it has not gone unnoticed by God. The Divine Ones see this and know joy.

Jamye Price ~ Fellowship Weekly Light Blast

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Jamye Price ~ Fellowship

Posted on


April 19, 2012

Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader


Weekly Light Blast | April 21 2012

The response system of creation is the field of unity that connects All Life. You are part of this; unique, valuable and powerful just as you are and also connected to All. This is the illusion of separation, the reflection ‘out there’ in its Whole Truth, is within you, too. You are a powerful Being of Light – that is your action/reflection energy. You are also the vacuum of space, the magnetic glue that allows the Light to flow, to build, to Be. Love is the connective force that binds All Life, though that bind is only created through choice. When you accept your power of uniqueness and unity, you become the Alpha, the triangle, the linear united, supporting the Whole – the Omega, the circle of Life. All that is in-between is mere joy of journey. Enjoy. Share.


Oracle Report ~ Thursday April 19 2012 Paddle Away

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Oracle Report ~ Thursday April 19 2012 Paddle Away

Posted on


April 19, 2012

by Gillian

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

Today’s energy finds us concerned over how and where we feel safe. We take notice of the reality that we live in “the matrix” most of the time and we recognize the limitations therein. We question where and how we fit in or how to move toward something that is better for us. The energy is unsettling, so we need to find some serenity and comfort in things that enrich our lives – friends, family, animals, nature, children, and people of like-mind. Some will respond to this energy by exhibiting narrow-minded attitudes and feeling stuck (no place to go), but the proper way to handle today is to find contentment and allow things to be just as they are today – even if they are quite uncomfortable or are making you unhappy.


There is that within you that knows. ~ Michael through Ron Head

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There is that within you that knows. ~ Michael through Ron Head

April 19, 2012

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Let us speak about your ability to know truth when you hear it.  At the present time this is a valuable ability indeed.  Vast amounts of information are placed before you daily.  How can you know what is true and what is intended to mislead you?


Your method for determining this has always been to compare the new information you receive to what you already know to be true, and then to accept what agrees with, or fits into , your accepted reality.  That has always worked for you in the past, or has it?

When you were presented with the possibility that your planet moved around your star, it was not accepted because it did not fit into your reality, nor did the possibility that perhaps your world was not flat, nor the possibility that your illnesses were caused by unseen tiny life forms.  Of course we could go on and on with that list.  What are we getting at here?


~Space Weather Update~ Volly of C Class Solar Flares

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UNUSUAL 3D METEOR PHOTO-OP: This weekend, NASA scientists, amateur astronomers, and an astronaut on board the International Space Station will attempt the first-ever 3D photography of meteors from Earth and space. The rare photo-op occurs during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower. Get the full story from Science@NASA.


ION WAVES IN EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE: Today, a volley of C-class solar flares sent waves of ionization rippling through the atmosphere high over Europe. Dave Gradwell of Birr, Ireland, detected the disturbances using a VLF radio monitoring system:



Healing Earth News - How A Brave Woman From Argentina Changed Our World

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Argentina is the third largest exporter of soybeans in the world. It is also the third largest producer of genetically engineered (GE) crops worldwide, following closely behind the U.S. and neighboring Brazil.



Thirteen years ago, Sofía Gatica’s newborn died of kidney failure after being exposed to pesticides in the womb. After the despair came anger, then a fierce determination to protect the children in her community and beyond. Sofía worked with other concerned moms to go door to door collecting stories about health problems in each family – essentially conducting the community’s first-ever epidemiological study.


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We get more and more confirmation about our fleet that is occupied in helping Mother Earth=Heart in releasing her densitiy and her pressure.

Ships have been filmed over Volcanos, prior and next to EQs, next to chemtrailing...

So it is. A whole Fleet it constantly dedicated 24/7 if you like, in helping US getting through changes as smooth as possible, at least as far as it does not interfer with the Planetarian Contract.

You must understand that helping Humanity not to completely destroy itself and doing Humanity’s job are two quite different issues.

Once we’ll be able to fully collaborate, all will be so Fast you’ll feel as if you’d been put into a time travelling mashine. Thus, step up and BE.

FREEDOM PROJECT: Leaked CIA Memo: Bush knew US torture was 'war crime'

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Water boarding and stress positions... just two of the torture techniques used by the U.S. against terror suspects. Now, a secret memo has been leaked which brands them "war crimes", and shows the Bush administration was warned against their use. As RT's Marina Portnaya explains, many feel President Obama isn't doing enough to make up for America's past mistakes


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