Healing Earth News - BP Oil Spill Natural Recovery Far Greater Than Expected!

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(editor's note: It's been nearly two years since BP spilled oil into our waters causing panic worldwide. "The fears of most people -- that there would be a catastrophic collapse of the ecosystem in the Gulf -- never materialized." In fact, the speed at which recoveries are happening can be quite mind blowing!  I also love how this particular article didn't try to "humanize" the recoveries by taking credit, rather simply calling it a "Natural Recovery."  ~All my Love, Boo)



Wes Annac – The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : A Call For Humanity To Begin Utilizing Your Collective Potential

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Wes Annac – The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : A Call For Humanity To Begin Utilizing Your Collective Potential 

Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image

Posted on  by GLR  

by GLR Wes Annac-

The scope to which this overall Lighted operation that is currently underway has been planned out will truly boggle your minds and have you wondering how such an organized and carefully planned out effort was not discovered or known about, even by the very dark souls who have been trying to stop this plan.

The dark on your world are just as perplexed as you will be as to how these operations have been and will be panning out in favor of abundance and Joy being returned to your world, and the reason that we are able to bring forth such complex and intricate plans without the knowledge of the dark on your world who have thought themselves to be all-knowing, is because there are many ascended beings whose intelligence and understanding far outweigh any of those of the souls on your world still attempting to get their way and win every ‘battle’ through any despair and any conniving means that they could think of.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 April 2012

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 April 2012

Few of you are under any illusions as to what is taking place, although some are still unconvinced that it is in the interests of the Human Race. Such people are normally not in touch with the reliable sources of information, and thus lack sufficient information from which to make an informed judgment. Rarely do they have the levels of consciousness required to see beyond the physical changes, and some have little or no knowledge of Ascension. However, they along with everyone else will before the end of the year is reached, have the opportunity to learn the facts and how it will affect them. After all regardless of what is believed, the end times will alter peoples lives whether or not they are prepared. A new cycle means a new beginning and there are no ways that the old one can be perpetuated. Indeed, it is in everyone’s interest to move on to a new experience, that is consistent with their present level of evolution.

Lee-Anne Peters – Are Worries Ruling Your Life? – 18 April 2012

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Lee-Anne Peters – Are Worries Ruling Your Life? – 18 April 2012

Are your worries increasing? Perhaps your challenges are getting harder? Is it harder to be happier within your life? Oh yeah, I am hearing these sorts of concerns from people every single day, and you know really these concerns create a downward spiral that can set up horrible days full of unhappiness!

Years ago I heard a quote that has stuck with me and every now and then I remind myself of it, and that is ‘It is a waste of energy to worry!’ Through my experience I have found this to be the case – worrying about something that may or may not happen is not only a waste of energy, but also a waste of our time. I know for me, I don’t intend on wasting one moment – so worrying is not welcome in my life!

Santorini volcano caldera is awake again and rapidly deforming

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The Santorini volcano caldera is awake again and rapidly deforming


Comment from the PRESS: If we compare these data with the EQs movements happening every day in whole Greece, personally I would like to be aware of what's going on. This article is not talking about inces... Be Aware and Be Prepared, thus, BE LOVE and Share LOVE so that LOVE can come back to ALL.


Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness by Cobra

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness






Galactic Confederation. Also called Galactic Federation. This is a loose confederate union of positive civilizations within this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians… Its leaders are ascended masters, beings that live in enlightened state of consciousness. Ashtar Command is a section of Galactic Confederation which primary function is to liberate planet Earth from the grip of the dark forces.



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