Getting the cake to rise

SophiaLove's picture

This is your moment.  You have come here now so that you would actively participate in this global awakening.  Those of you reading these words or those sitting next to you on the train while you do so, all came to co-create this shift.


We’ve all seen the recipe and thrown our specific ingredient into the bowl. Some of us have taken a turn at stirring things up; others of us are waiting to see what else is needed.  Each of us is ready, yet we’ve forgotten what was on the menu.  In our usual fashion, we are going for the big ending – we want to be surprised, amazed, thrilled and ultimately satisfied.


It is time for us to bring the full force of our multidimensional capacity to bear.  We can be a mom and a healer, a doctor and an intergalactic being, a dad and an ambassador to the stars, a school teacher and a channeler, or a consultant and a first contact team member.  In fact, we are all of these things.


The realization of our divinity and the actualizing of our true power are both happening right now.  We exist in an intensely stimulating and visually mesmerizing world.  It is easy to fall back to sleep, hypnotized by our own creations. Yet we are awake for good now. 


So, how do we stay awake and aware without falling into the abyss of fear?  How can we remain aware of the arrests, the galactic federation and this consciousness shift with calm and control; while managing lives, children, jobs, relationships and households? These are not skills we’ve had to master until now; it’s a bit of a challenge. 


Yeshua: Be The Divine That You Are

glr_Andrea's picture


Yeshua: Be The Divine That You Are




by GLR Fran Zepeda

April 8, 2012


Greetings beloveds. I come before you on the eve of this glorious day, to all those celebrating this day, a time of renewal, but mostly of acknowledging your Divine Self. This has been a day of rejoicing, in preparation of greater things to come. Love abounds. The significance of today is not just of resurrection of one being, but of a new beginning for all.

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 9 April 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 9 April 2012

I hope you landed in April with both feet on the ground and not too much residual effects left over from March’s wild ride. Gaia’s grids were infused a bit more than originally anticipated last month, and anchored with the recent Super Full Moon. As the universe revved up to deliver generous doses of photon-boosted multi-dimensional frequencies it was discovered that human consciousness was on board and ready to support the upgrades. The result of that support was that Gaia was able to open and receive more than her scheduled helping of evolutionary waves and we got to sit in “uncomfortability” and “process” as we integrated the actualization of the super-sized energies.

Visionkeeper – Stop Wondering – 9 April 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Visionkeeper – Stop Wondering – 9 April 2012


(picture by

Posted on  by GLR  

I think for many of us we spend a great deal of time wondering if we are doing everything right so we can be a part of the journey into 5D. I honestly don’t believe there is a right way or a wrong way, it is all about being true to yourself and giving that self to others. We wonder if we have cleared out our issues well enough, have I opened my heart up wide enough, what if I can’t do any better than what I am doing now, will I be left behind? Am I staying in my heart center, how do I do it, will I have enough time to get everything done that I need to? Whose standards and rules are you trying to live up to? Who told you that you have to do this and that in order to move forward from where you are? We are all exactly stationed in life where we are meant to be and what we are doing is no coincidence. The people in our lives are there to bring us lessons to learn as are the circumstances happening in every moment of our lives.

Renewable Energy Meets 35% Of Scotland's Power Needs

Anonymous's picture


By Bob PetzApril 4, 2012

New estimates from the Department of Energy and Climate Change reveal that 35% of Scotland’s energy consumption last year came from renewable energy sources, surpassing the government’s goal of 31% for 2011.

Environmental groups welcomed the news as a sign that Scotland is on the right path to achieving its ambitious goal of generating 100% of its electricity from renewables by 2020.

Animal Planet - Mermaids - US Navy Cover-Up of Intelligent Life Found in Ocean

Anonymous's picture

Well well well... it appears that too many people are interested in the Truth these days! The original video is now "mysteriously" unavailable.  Thanks to everyone for leaving comments about not being able to see it -I wouldn't have known about its dissapearance.

I was able to find the same video with Japanese subtitles (the speakers are in English). 

I highly recommend watching this before this version gets pulled too!

All my Love, Boo


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