~Truth is as light as a feather, Illusion as heavy as death.~

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~Truth is as light as a feather, Illusion as heavy as death.~






I Konw what I Feel, and what I Feel is LOVE. It comes from the ALL that IS. It is not only a Feeling, it is a Connection of Onness, a BEing, it is what I Am. And what I always have been.

And I Know Balance, for Balance is LOVE’s Flow. Anything that is not in Balance, is not in Divine Flow.

It interrupts Joy. And Joy is Love’s expression.

I Know that, for I Am part of it. I’m LOVE, I’m Joy, I’m One with GOD=ALL.

And if one of ALL is not in Joy=Love, I feel it. And when I feel it, my Heart wants to bring him back to it’s True Nature.

Artists and Musicians Needed to Help Create New Renaissance

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Artists and Musicians Needed to Help Create New Renaissance

“In present times the alchemists manifest themselves as the artists, musicians, philosophers and independent journalists of the counter culture.”- J.G. Vibes

Activist Post | April 9, 2012

We are unraveling our navels so that we may ingest the sun. We are not afraid of the darkness. We trust that the moon shall guide us. We are determining the future at this very moment. We know that the heart is the philosopher’s stone. Our music is our alchemy.” — Saul Williams (Poet)

Similar to the times of the last alchemists humanity is living in a dark age, an age that needs a rebirth in order to correct itself.

From the Divine Feminine view...

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Submitted by MaAlaea on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 13:55.

From the Divine Feminine view...


~Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine~


Look at your lives, now.... set apart in apartments.. not knowing neighbors 3 doors down or even next door in a subdivision.... how you to a great degree the product of your teachings which you are finding out has been askew....


Teachings have been in sales environments, motivational circles self-empowerment bla bla... to MAKE it happen....


The way to make THIS happen, with our star neighbors is to apply their wisdom and connect with each other here on earth.... how much of that have we each done... even here on this site?  Not much... that is why they are waiting.... we are not COHESIVE, yet. 


Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 9 April 2012

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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 9 April 2012



It is time you ask yourself and find out why today you are lonely. It is time for you to understand and to choose between those things in your life that give you pleasure and the things in your life that cause you displeasure. It is time for many of you to make a new start, and it is time for many of you to leave behind the ways of the old paradigm and begin anew on a path that will deliver you to the highest self you can be. All along your journey you have chosen paths that would either bring you to a higher state or a path that would lead you somewhere else. Your choice at this time is no different, and you are being offered the opportunity to travel a path that will bring you to a higher state or a path that will bring to you more challenges and hardships characteristic of a lower dimensional level. What you choose to do with this opportunity is entirely up to you, and we only wish to bring to the forefront of your consciousness this choice before you today. It is not our right to persuade you in either direction. It is not anyone’s right to influence another in this way. All we will do is describe for you your choices and where each will lead you. That is all we will do, and we will honor the choices that you make. 


Heavenly Blessings with Archangel Jophiel

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Heavenly Blessings, April 5, 2012, with Archangel Jophiel


GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest tonight is Archangel Jophiel. Hi, Linda.


LD: Hi, Graham. Hi, everybody. It’s great to be here tonight.

GD: So, I don’t know anything about, or very little about Archangel Jophiel. Maybe you could speak to who he is and I love how you’ve been describing the Archangels and a little bit about your personal relationship with them. I also know you want to do a meditation, so I’ll leave it up to you in terms of how you’d like to play that out before he comes on.


LD: Well, let’s start with a meditation and then we can talk a little, and then move into Archangel Jophiel. I’ve been sitting here meditating for about an hour and he certainly has a lot to share with us tonight, a lot of new information and a lot of new insights. So let’s get into that space together.


This Pivotal Moment In Time Startling Truths You Need to Know About the Coming Transition

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This Pivotal Moment In Time

Startling Truths You Need to Know About the Coming Transition

by GLR Kristen Ann


“We are living at a time of Noah.”  Werner spoke with a dramatic British accent, and his dark eyes seemed to reach into your very soul.

Steve Beckow ~ Speculation That India May Disclose ~ 9 April 2012

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Steve Beckow ~ Speculation That India May Disclose ~ 9 April 2012


Don’t get your hopes up. We do want to keep you abreast of the news and speculation. But we’ve heard the same reports many times. Don’t go crazy until you see the whites of their eyes.


India to announce UFO Disclosure soon

Rajnish, Ashtar Command Crew, April 2, 2012http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/india-to-announce-ufo-disc...

~Readying Ourselves~

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~Readying Ourselves~

2012 April 9
by Steve Beckow

Getting ready


In approaching the task of creating a global conversation on our blogs and in our discussion groups, we’re doing a number of things. We’re doing push-ups that allow us to develop some strength in this kind of dialogue. We’re preparing to meet the galactics, having wiped the sleepy dust from our eyes and becoming ready to talk. We’re finding out where the gaps in our knowledge lie, which should send us into research to fill them.  We’re getting ready in all ways for what we know will soon be coming.


~Are We There Yet?~

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Are We There Yet?

2012 April 9
by Stephen Cook

Don’t you sometimes feel like a kid again, sitting in the back seat of the car, with your father or mother driving you to a holiday destination and wondering: “Are we ever, ever, ever going to get there?”


Sometimes the travelling can be intensely boring and mundane. Either way, time seems to drag on for hours, days and weeks (even years, in my own childhood perception of time!).

And it always seems that the closer you get to that long-awaited destination, the further away it seems.

Sometimes anger, hunger, tiredness and hopelessness set in. Sometimes we might even fight amongst ourselves.

Yet once we arrive at that place of paradise, all thoughts and memory of homework, exams, sibling rivalry and that never-ending journey instantly fade into oblivion.


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose

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There is no such thing as an accident or Coincidents

Everyone and every situation is placed on your path for a purpose. Co-incidents are carefully planned out events.

Your angel guidance is to ask your angels to help you find the purpose within your current path. It may be to strengthen you, or offer you an opportunity to resolve or forgive something from the past. It can be to release old patterns, or simple to bring more happiness and joy into your life.



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