4.1.12 Chill, Beloved! Remember Who You Are.

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4.1.12 Chill, Beloved! Remember Who You Are.




4/1/12 Love/Light Message from the celestial team

We greet you with frequencies of  steadying warmth and recognition of all that you are.

Paradoxical, we know, that we chose the word “chill” in the title of our message, when we are actually sending you warmth, is it not? But not only does that colloquial use of your word “chill” amuse us very much, it actually contains the frequency of our meaning –far  more than your words “heat up” might, for example. And this is but a miniscule example of why we have been asking that you begin to tune into frequencies, rather than live according to old definitions  that only served to limit you!

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-02-2012 – ‪Your child is knocking ~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-02-2012 – ‪Your child is knocking ~



by ANdReA



It’s knocking... it’s your child, the one living forever in your Heart, the One that always is growing, who never forgot, never hated, never got really hurt, never felt alone... the One who’s Always in Love! For Love is like a Child looking at the world for the first time... each time... not judging, only embracing... And as children do, it does not accept to share anything that is not Love. For it Knows it’s not real. So you’re called to find your child... your True Self, your clean and pure being. And connect, and bring it down into you, and give him the wheel... he Knows. He’s not afraid. He’s pure. No mind contaminated your Real Child, no illusion could get at it! Ever watched a child play? It does not ask for permission to be happy... it IS HAPPYNESS. The only thing that can prevent him... is you. Simply stop.


Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 April 2012~There is no reason to be concerned at all for the days up ahead

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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 2 April 2012~There is no reason to be concerned at all for the days up ahead

Hello dear ones, we would like to take this opportunity to speak with you today in a little more detail about the days ahead for you. We see that our message to you a few days ago concerning the temporary relocations of those living in areas that we believe are susceptible to flooding has caused quite a stir, and many are experiencing fear upon learning of this information. We wish to make ourselves as clear as we can and tell you that there is absolutely no reason to feel fear on any level or to be concerned at all for the safety of yourselves, your families, your friends and your neighbors.
We would like to share with you some further details of what you can expect in the days ahead, and we feel that this should give you solace and peace of mind knowing that there is nothing at all to be worried about. Towards the last quarter of your year of 2012, towards the months of October, November and December, we foresee some Earth tremors which will cause some water damage to homes and businesses located within areas that are prone to flooding.

Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 2 April 2012 Stay Calm~

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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 2 April 2012 Stay Calm~

We need to find out how many of your people that live within areas prone to flooding will wish to relocate to the safe zones in the days ahead. We wish for as many as possible to leave with us and relocate temporarily. We will offer safety and security, and we will have safe harbors constructed in certain areas throughout your world. This is what we will do, and we will assist you to make the necessary changes that will lessen the strength of the tremors that will cause your sea levels to rise. After this, we will step back and allow Mother Nature to travel her own necessary course.
There will be much confusion about this process, and we would like to dispel as many unfounded rumors as we can at this time. What will not happen is a complete destruction of your world. One of the reasons we are here is to make sure of this.

Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 03-26-12

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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Ready... to GO. Things will change Fast!

Things Are changing Fast!

And when the Ships will be able to show up... you’ll forget about time... everything will seem to happen at once... be prepared, be in yourself, in the Now, Present. So many on the Planet will need your help... your being Present... they will be looking at you... centered, calm... LOVE. Be ready for Compassion... many will not understand... many have been poisoned for so long... understand them. Show them LOVE... that’s what You=All Are.

Nothing more, nothing less.


People Being Prepared for the Beginning of NESARA? | The 2012 Scenario

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Written by Steve Beckow

One after another the videos and radio interviews are coming out, apparently preparing the public for NESARA.

Back in January, we heard James Martinez tell us he was authorized to discuss a new abundance program that was emerging. At the time leading lightworkers, assuming that the Monaco Accord represented the new shape of the world economy, called it a hoax. But, on An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael said, no, it was a quiet announcement meant to demonstrate to those who await NESARA that things are happening. (1)

Matthew Ward - April 1, 2012

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 Matthew Ward - April 1, 2012

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The effects of the ever-growing light in your world extend way beyond the publicized shake-ups and shake-outs of corrupt ones in national governments and major corporations—this is happening in communities too, from villages to major cities around the globe. The effects go beyond the hands-on help and donations to people in dire need at international and local levels, and the increasing numbers of voices for peace, preserving animal life and the environment along with scores of other positive measures. Every time a petition is signed for a benevolent cause or to correct an injustice, the energy of the signer’s intention mingles with the energy of thousands, perhaps millions of others who also signed in support of that cause, and it is the same with every single loving thought, every feeling of gratitude, compassion, and desire for a better world.


The Energies of April 2012

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The Energies of April 2012



We have been in a heavy retrograde period since January 23 and it has impacted every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s a project, relationship, life decision, or outcome that was would not move, no matter how important it was or how hard we tried, this period has brought much of our lives to a standstill. Like a breath of fresh air, energy that has been stuck for weeks has begun to move  again and now we can start taking action. But although we have cosmic support to help us move forward, everything is not a ‘go’, as we now have to set a new energetic center and decide where we want to go and what is moving ahead with us.



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