The Time~Smashing Acceleration of April

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The Time~Smashing Acceleration of April

GLR~ Lisa Gawlas



I officially feel that my inner vision is now about 25 feet in-front of me and my consciousness is truly struggling to catch up, simply to understand all that I am seeing!!   We are evolving so fast it is hard to keep up with it all (at least it is for me.)


I spent yesterday morning taking the final hypnosis transmission from the Guardians.  Phew baby, talk about blowing my hair back.  It was truly a completion of the first two sessions… but most importantly a completion of us, those who are walking, with at much consciousness as we can muster (smile,) this super fast paced walk forward.


We have spent decades pretty much with our vehicle (bodies) set up next to the gas pump.  Taking in more and more pure radiant energy.  Spending time making sure it is in every nook and cranny within our body, pushing out all the old gas in the process.

Pleaidian Message: Be the LIGHT you wish to see…

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Pleaidian Message: Be the LIGHT you wish to see…

Posted by Freer Spirit on April 2, 2012




The following is answer I channeled from Peter in response to questions asked by a reader in the comment section of “It’s Go Time.” I felt his reply could apply to many of us eager to find the same kind of answers, so I have decided to publish it as a blog. Here is Peter’s response:


~Space Weather Update~ SPONTANEOUS AURORAS:

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SPONTANEOUS AURORAS: Solar stormd are nott always required to make auroras appear around thee Arctic Circle. Ole C. Salomonsen photographed this spontaneous display last night over Tromsø, Norway:



"No auroras were forecast, but when the magnetograms at the University of Tromsø started to move, and I thought I should go outside for a look," says Salomonsen. "At times the display was very vivid and strong!"

The reason for this show was the interplanetary magnetic field, or IMF. On April 1st the IMF tipped south, opening a crack in Earth's magnetospherre. Solar wind poured in to fuel the auroras. (So the sun was involved after all.)

more images: from Matt Melnyk of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; from B.Art Braafhart of Salla, Finnish Lapland

Baby Steps

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There is not much that is more important for you now than love.  The news and your own anxiety may speak otherwise.  Each seems to be shouting “Be prepared” “Be afraid” “Stockpile” “Protest” “Be angry” “Buy this Ascension kit” “Join this Galactic group” “Plant an organic garden” The warnings and advice are non-stop. 


As well intentioned as they are, none of these outside voices can give you the answers.  The route to successfully navigating these or any times is found by going within.  It is time to trust ourselves.


The competition for your focus is becoming fierce.  It is the quietest voice that will grant you guidance; the voice within.  This is not the ego’s “to do” list voice, the critical judge, the fear monger or the naysayer.  This voice sounds like love. 


You have a source, readily available and consistently positive, who only has your best interests at heart.  This is the foundation of you, the one who knows all about you and loves you anyway.


Imagine right now he or she is right here - holding, listening to and loving you.  He or she is.  This dream life is so loud you haven’t heard them whispering.  As the dream ramps up, you need to create a spot for them to be, a place where they can reach you.  It is found in meditation, quiet reflection and solitary introspection.  It is time to decide with our focus what our truth is.  If we focus on the pronouncements of catastrophe and fear, we will be afraid.  If we focus on love, we will live confidently and feel grounded in serenity.


Heavenletter #4147 Healing the Universe

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Heavenletter #4147 Healing the Universe , April 2, 2012 


God said: 


[Dear Heavenreaders, this Heavenletter arrived in the midst of my personal Godwriting™ on March 23, 2012.


God's words were a total surprise.

Every Heavenletter affects us, and every Heavenletter is meant for everyone who reads it. This unusual Heavenletter is no exception.



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