Archangel Gabriel ~ The Freedom of Ascension

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Archangel Gabriel ~ The Freedom of Ascension

Photo By Christine Dawn horse rider cloud (Arcturian?)

Greetings Dear Ones! How pleased and honored we are to be in your presence today. We honor you for setting aside the time in your busy schedule to come be a part of the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group, we mean not only those who are in this room at this time, but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.


We are so excited for the times that you are in right now! You have worked hard, so hard, to be part of this amazing energetic shift of consciousness that you and the planet are moving through together.

Amaze yourselves. We promise it will be fun. ~ Michael through Ron Head

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Amaze yourselves. We promise it will be fun. ~ Michael through Ron Head


March 25, 2012

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The time has arrived for you to begin making preparation for your new lives.  They do not exist somewhere else in another time.  They exist within you.  You have created them.


  But your manifesting will take giant steps forward when you find the confidence, faith, belief, motivation, etc. to take concrete steps in any form to make them appear on this plane.

Visionkeeper ~ Sunday Musings On Insanity ~ 25 March 2012

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Visionkeeper ~ Sunday Musings On Insanity ~ 25 March 2012


(picture by


How crazy are things getting in our upside down world?
How crazy are they getting outside our front doors and even in our homes?

Dare we even venture out and take a look?

We might get arrested for walking on our lawns or for not mowing them, or mowing them too often for that matter. Take down that lemonade stand immediately and go to the town offices for a permit or be fined!

Maybe we are driving a car that is too big or too small
or it doesn’t drink up as much gasoline as it should.

Keep those leaves raked up and hauled away or be fined, and your chickens need to be in the pen out back or most likely, can not be there at all! Do not sell their eggs or give them  to your neighbors or homeless shelters without an inspection and permit! Even our back yards may not be safe!


Montaque Keen ~ 25 March 2012 Through Veronica Keen ~The Great Awakening is happening~

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Montaque Keen ~ 25 March 2012 Through Veronica Keen



~The Great Awakening is happening~


You see evidence of this every day now. Your oppressors are anxiously searching for new ways to keep mankind under control. Though they have technology that is far superior to anything known to ordinary people, it does not matter what they try, it will fail. 2012 sees the end of their reign of terror and abuse of mankind. Evidence of how TV is used to control the information is being researched. People are shocked when they see for themselves the extent of this control. Everything, from the moment you were born, has been carefully designed to control your mind and your life. Those bloodlines have a lot to answer for. They stole all that was yours by right. The ancient knowledge that was hidden will be returned to you. We are finding ways to guide you to it.


Israel Loves Iran Campaign Continues to Grow

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While many still focus upon hate, anger, war and blame, Humanity's much deeper Love for each other continues to grow. This is a Love that knows no religions, countries or races. A Love that has no enemies, and sees all Humans Beings as Brothers and Sisters.


We are seeing this Love manifest on the Internet through sites like Israel Loves Iran, where people of each country express their solidarity with each other.

Benjamin Fulford – Readers Updates – 25 March 2012

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Benjamin Fulford – Readers Updates – 25 March 2012


Dear Benjamin,
In our book “How Statin Drugs REALLY Lower Cholesterol (And Kill You One Cell at a Time)” you will find sufficient evidence for anyone with a statin-related injury to successfully mount the largest lawsuit mounted since the tobacco awards. There is much more (the book was written as a go-by for attorneys). It is now available at Amazon.
The book covers the Lipid Theory (bad cholesterol) and how it became accepted science. It follows the proven science that would have prevented statins from coming to market and how it was deliberately obscured. It tracks the FDA corruption, the NIH, the AHA and the people that conspired to make it all happen. It tracks the history as a necessary component of grasping it all. Otherwise it is unbelievable. We ourselves could not believe it, as you will read in the epilogue.

Keiser Report: Selective Amnesia for Brokers & Murderers (E266)

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Follow Max Keiser on Twitter:

In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Irish stoicism and social ostracism, boycotts and ponzis and the banking practices of Chuckie. In the second half of the show Max talks to independent journalist, Lars Schall, about his recently published investigation into insider trading around the 9-11 terrorist attack as well as his pursuit of Germany's elusive gold reserves.

Love Syndrome: Overcoming odds for sake of art

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Watch more on RT's documentary channel
March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day. Get a ticket to the peculiar theatre where people with Down Syndrome perform. Go behind scenes and meet the actors and their families. These kind of people are known as open-hearted, very sensitive and friendly. 

RT on Twitter

Ancient Knowledge, Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality

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Solving ancient mysteries Part 1. "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.
Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolise unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to de-code this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.

Scientists dont know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.

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Excerpt from the book "Secrets from Mount Shasta"

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Earlyne Chaney
Excerpt from the book "Secrets from Mount Shasta"



The Master Jesus Speaks 1951 (pg 63):

It would be a grave mistake to indicate that the Master himself stood there, for He did not. However, he did stand, at that moment, somewhere on some higher plane and spoke the words which he spoke to us. We were privileged to hear his words and see the reflection of his image, much as we view television in our homes today. Do not ask me "how". I think the process we call holography might explain it. I only know it was through some cosmic "hook-up" on the spirit planes of life. We were told that many other groups were gathered together in other temples throughout many planes of life to hear him. Thus millions- perhaps billions - heard his voice and saw his regal form. This I did learn...and that he spoke often by this means, teaching and guiding his people.

Konstantinos~A dialogue with Mother Gaia

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Konstantinos~A dialogue with Mother Gaia

Posted by kp40


Yesterday evening, I got out for a while, went to a park near the sea, took a seat and communicated with Mother Gaia. Here is my conversation with her:

Konstantinos: Hello. Would you like to have a discussion with me for a while?

Gaia: Of course my child. You have some questions…


K: How do you feel about the fact that few months remain till the day we will experience together the magnificent moment of Ascension?

G:  Ascension is the process of denaturation through which, we return to our rightful place which we got before the Fall.



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