Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/24/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Each of you will be able to experience what it is that you desire. The limitations of your experience here will be greatly lifted, and you will find untold freedoms to do whatever is you wish as long as you do not violate the rights of another. As long as you abide by this rule, each of you will be free to experience the life that you have always wanted. All of you have dreams and visions for the life you would like to live, and this will all be possible for you if each of you follows this one simple rule; to allow those around you to experience their life the way they would like. If you are able to do this, so much will become possible for you and everyone around you.


Today in your world so many wish to dictate the lives of another. So many wish to impose rules, laws and regulations to effectively govern someone else's life. This will not be permitted in your new world, and anyone who feels compelled to control another's life in this way does not belong in your world and will either have to change their ways or find another place that is suitable for them. This can and will be arranged, as there are many places in this universe for souls to experience the life that more accurately matches their vibrational level. Here your new world will be a place of untold freedoms, as this is your new higher dimensional roadmap. Each of you will be free to follow your own path, uninhibited by any others who wish to direct you to take the turns they want you to.


Special THANKS - HAARP rings/Scalar Squares, Volcanic Plumes, Man made earthquakes

glr_Andrea's picture

A very special thanks to all those who stood behind me even when there was NO additional supporting evidence... oh what a difference a few months makes !!

This past week has vindicated us on many levels... a .PDF paper from Stanford University... FULLY COVERING THE PHENOMENON that we've been documenting since last year... the 'HAARP ring'..'stairstep pattern'.. and 'Scalar Square' RADAR signature patterns. VERIFIED via scientific paper directly relating to HAARP.

Here is the full .PDF.... Page 2, section 2, subsection 11 clearly states the types of geometric patterns that are projected into the sky from the ground based HF (high frequency) station heater.... used to HEAT the lower ionosphere .. producing the typical patterns we have been seeing on RADAR which induce severe weather.

Turns out these are what 'THEY' call these same HAARP signatures .... Square Wave, Sawtooth Pattern, and Circle Sweep mode.

If you haven't put it together yet... Scalar Squares = Square Wave, stairstep pattern = sawtooth pattern , and HAARP ring = Circle Sweep.

Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-24-2012...

glr_Andrea's picture


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-24-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Sometimes things change… in you. You can feel it, but cannot define it. That’s what happens when you Really Change. You become the change, no need to deine it. For you Are the Change. Unity conscoiusness is Changing… and it’s changing Fast. You feel it, the old lady that never thought about ufos feels it, the child that seems to know something he’s not telling knows it, the man that just lost his job knows it and also the one that fired him. All Know… for all Feel, for We’re All ONE. Our conscoiusness is One, and as more and more beings connect and get clear and focused on LOVE, the more everthing Changes. It cannot be stopped for it is hu’man’s Destiny. HAve you not asked to stop wars? Have you not prayed whatever god to assist you? Have you not looked at the stars asking for something different? HAve you not aked… FREEDOM? Yes, you ALL have. Now you’re only one tini step away from all your prayers. Accept it.

Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE?

glr_Andrea's picture


Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




Here we are with our new daily UFOS report. I had to split it for it was becoming far too long as our Ships start being more and more filmed and photographed all over the Planet. Pardon me if I may miss some videos but we really work 7/24 to bring you all the latest and more updated news.

Should you find some interesting pics please contact us and send them, we’ll be glad to post them.


Enjoy your ride in LOVE!



3 Amazing Ufo Sightings Mexico


Confirmation’ of What Happened on 3~21~12 at Mauna Loa… and the Last Post… Michael Through Ron Head

Lia's picture

Confirmation’ of What Happened on 3~21~12 at Mauna Loa… and the Last Post… Michael Through Ron Head 3-22-12…

“Harness these energies…to produce beneficial changes that you need and desire”

Posted on March 24, 2012

Thanks so very much to Worthyart for pointing to this article of 3-22-12 by Ron Head (Ron is, I believe, one of Suzanne Spooner’s

On March 21, 2012: A Major Corner was Turned…

Lia's picture

On March 21, 2012: A Major Corner was Turned…

Posted on March 24, 2012

In “The 3-21-12 Mauna Loa Mission” post, I wrote, “In my own operation, something felt as if there was a pacifying of the Pacific, followed by a Light, being assisted in rising from the Pacific.” That is true. Somehow this Light was rising from the Pacific. A pacifying Light. Almost a soothing Light.


~World Leadership in this Golden Age~ A message by the Elders

Lia's picture

World Leadership in this Golden Age

A message by the Elders




Welcome sweet Ones, we would like to start by welcoming you as leaders, as Light workers, as star seeded ones and as wayshowers. Simply by choosing to remember your heritage as star seeded ones, as keepers of wisdom and Light, you are already leaders and it is the process of Self Mastery that takes you into a deeper level of leadership and Service. For in Self mastery, you are simply choosing to Mastery yourself ~ as you transmute old cellular memories and patterns and dualities inherent in the lower bodies, you are moving into Self Mastery ~ as you shed old beliefs and paradigms around every aspect of your life you are truly are stepping into a deeper level of Service and a deeper level of trusting and surrendering to the Divine ~


Pole Shift Data Coverup – 2012

glr_Andrea's picture



The NOAA National Geophysical Data Center has updated (revised – massaged) their magnetic north pole-shift positional data and has projected the location of the pole through 2015. The pole shift, if you will, continues to race along in the same direction since it dramatically accelerated back in the mid 1990′s. But…

NOAA made some significant and apparently linear changes to the pole location data going back to the years 2001 through 2010. The most noticeable result of the changes that they made was an overall linear slow down of the shift during the past decade, although still currently high at 30 miles per year. They have projected positional data through 2015 and have slowed the pace of movement each subsequent year from 30 miles (2012) to 24 miles (2015).


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