~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~

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~ The Starship Athabantian: The Energies of Change ~


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


~Galactic Love Reporter Mark Kimmel~

"Greeting from the starship Athabantian. My name is Taugth. I am a celestial of the highest order and am androgynous. I am currently stationed aboard this exquisite Andromedan vessel along with several thousand other beings. Although this starship is close enough for you to see with your human vision, it is currently cloaked from your view.


We are here to assist the transformation of this planet and her human residents. We do so out of love, a sense of service, and the knowledge that we are creating something wondrous, for we are not only helping to restore Earth to her former brilliance, but also raising her humans into the 5th Dimension.


~ Breaking the Illusion of Limitation ~

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Thanks to

 BZ Riger and Kay

BZ: Thanks to Kay. Limiting beliefs, illusion,the locks of doubt are all breaking up and falling away. Its a time for going inside to stand in your core, your power, your truth. Use the time to sweep away all the remaining illusions that stand in your way of seeing the truth of who you are and the magnification Nova Gaia we are co-creating together.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Detach from the Drama

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~Surround situations with a loving light~


As you expand and heal yourself and become lighter and more sensitive to your environments, you will find that you are more receptive to the emotions of others and therefore feel this energy in a different way. Since humans evolve at different rates, there is usually a variety of issues and dramas taking place. When you find yourself in situations that include others sharing their stories with you, infuse the conversation with loving light as they share, just smile and listen.


Offer them not your advise unless expressly asked for, just send them loving light. Most often others share to gain their own clarity. As you become a more compassionate being, open yourself up to more compassion, but most of all access the wisdom within that recognizes the Divine in everyone and everything and all that is. This action spreads much light, joy, and freedom and is an energy that empowers others.


Fear Is A Handicap ~ A Guest Post by Michael Brine

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Fear Is A Handicap ~ A Guest Post by Michael Brine


Fear Is A Handicap

In 2004 I wrote this to a friend with whom I was having an exchange. In 2006 this was later published on a web site who had asked permission. I have decided that perhaps the time has come to give it a wider audience given the times we are living through. Also, may the wisdom of the poetry of Baha’u’llah touch your heart. Enjoy – M.B. 

“Oh Son of Spirit!
I created thee rich, why doest thou
Bring thyself down to poverty?
Noble I made thee, wherewith dost
Thou abase thyself? Out of the essence of
Knowledge I gave thee being, why seekest thou
Enlightenment from anyone beside me? Out of
The clay of love I moulded thee, why doest thou busy
Thyself with another? Turn thy sight onto thyself,
That thou mayest find Me standing within thee,
Mighty, powerful and self-subsisting.”


Don't be afraid of the NEW SUN SHINING IN YOU - IT IS LOVE AWAKENING - by ANdReA

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by Galactic Love Reporter AM ANdReA



What if the world had been covered by thik layers of clouds... and this had been going on for centuries...

no Sun...

for generations and generations...


Tales would have been written about a Big Light in the sky, and times when people eat strange food grown in the land under this Big Light... about people living and enjoying the Big Light under a blue sky... Tales about seasons... Stars... planets... Tales about whatever covered the Big Bright Light forever...


You and the Global Shift ~ Vital Role of Community

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Thursday, 9 February, 2012  (posted 17 February, 2012)


Photo By Will Harader


This is a year of revolution on a big scale - impacting you and everyone on the planet. A common theme you will see repeatedly is the need for humanity to come together as one family. This need has never been more important than right now.

The new Earth you want cannot come into being alongside centuries-old patterns of bickering, complaining, conquering, and killing.


The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 88 Mother Earth says No More, That is the Order of The Day!~

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The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 88 Mother Earth says No More, That is the Order of The Day!~


Photo courtesy sherinata.wordpress.com


 18 February 2012 - 10:01am |   Galactic Love Reporter Aisha North

We would like to take this opportunity to delve deeper into your tomorrows, as that is a subject that often enters the conversation these days. As you well know, changes are afoot, and they go deep, deeper than any changes humankind has been through before. That is easy to understand, as mankind's current way of living is so far from sustainable, and now it is change or disappear forever from the face of the earth, as there is no way you can continue in the same tracks. At least, not for long, as Mother Earth is losing her patience once and for all. In other words, even though mankind cannot abide change if they have a choice, now they do not have a choice any longer. You have been leading the way down a one way street, and now you are approaching a cul de sac you have no way of getting out of on your own.

Lee~Anne Peters ~ Just Keep Swimming ~ 18 February 2012

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Lee~Anne Peters ~ Just Keep Swimming ~ 18 February 2012

Good morning!
Such interesting twists of energy are occurring. I am seeing big trends in these past days and felt the urge to share with you, and as always, I trust these urges, for even if these words help someone in some way, then it has been worth it.
The words; perseverance, determination and focus have been very loud and clear for many who I have spoken with, and even for myself. As many feel as if we have been travelling for eons and that our destination is still so far away. 
When we climb a mountain and we first start our trek, we have enthusiasm, drive and plenty of energy to get a good start. Then our attention can become distracted as we start to get tired. So we take a little rest to charge ourselves up, and then we journey forth a little further. We continue to do this, and then after some time we start having thoughts of giving up and of stopping before reaching the destination.

2~18~12~ The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies The Quickening~

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The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies




Greetings from the Federation:

Today we speak of a quickening which is occurring at every level of your reality. It is not a “quickening” of time as you may believe occurs. Sometimes, this is just the way of your perceptions, and not of the “reality” of time itself. Rather, we speak of a quickening of all that underlies the reality fabric of your world.


~Space Weather Update~ Still Quiet, New Sun Spot is Emerging~ 297 Wind Speed

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SUNSET PLANETS: The brightest planets in the night sky are aligning for a must-see show in late February and March 2012. You can start looking tonight. [video] [full story].


QUIET SUN: Considering the fact that Solar Maximum is only about one year away, the sun is experiencing some remarkable spells of quiet. One of them is underway right now. There have been no significant flares for more than five days, and the sun's X-ray output has flatlined:


Jean Haines – $6 Trillion In US Bonds Seized In Zurich, Said To Pose “Severe Threats To International Financial Stability” – 17 February 2012

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Send them Love and pure Light, knowing all is Perfectly planned... And they know this... as they are asking to become US again... Yes, they want to come to Light again... 

This is the small part of the Prosperity funds, including Lord James speach 2 days ago, with another 15 trillions hidden in plain sight... yet there is no other way but to surface all the TRUTH... AS TRUTH WILL SET US FREE...

With Love, AM Predrag 



Jean Haines – $6 Trillion In US Bonds Seized In Zurich, Said To Pose “Severe Threats To International Financial Stability” – 17 February 2012





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