~All Movement is Forward Movement~

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Greetings, Dear Ones! It is I, Gabriel, and as always, we are so pleased and honored to be in your presence today. What a glorious time you are in on your planet, Dear Ones. Can you feel it? Do you know in your hearts what an honor it is to be a resident of Gaia during these amazing times? On a soul level you know. Your souls clambered for the opportunity to be in the body at this time. You were so excited you could barely wait to begin. And what your soul wanted so desperately to experience is the times that you are in today. You could not wait.

~SaLuSa: A Major Event is Drawing Near (Repost)~ with a Commentary From Laura ~

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~SaLuSa: A Major Event is Drawing Near (Repost)~ 



2011 August 31
 with a commentary from Laura ~

For those going through acute withdrawal symptoms, as Mike continues to get himself reorganized and back online, here is a shot of SaLuSa from June 15, 2011 to tide you over. Mike is expected to return Friday.

~8~31~11~~Saul: What You are Experiencing Now is a Prelude to Limitless Joy~

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~Saul: What You are Experiencing Now is a Prelude to Limitless Joy~



08~31~2011 By Love Reporter John Smallman



All over the world major changes are occurring which are leading up to your grand awakening.  As you know, it is a done deal that cannot be prevented, and when it happens joyous amazement will delight you all as your faith in God’s promise to you is completely vindicated.  To be finally without doubts and anxieties will be a permanent and most uplifting experience.  You have carried the Light of God within you through times of great suffering and stress, and it is about to burst forth in exhilarating brilliance to welcome you Home at the end of your long journey.

8~31~11~The Separation of Worlds: Leaving People Behind

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~The Separation of Worlds: Leaving People Behind~







I knew talking about the upcoming Separation of Worlds would cause some people to worry and wonder. I’ve had a few Comments from readers questioning the possibility of leaving loved-ones behind due to the very near Expiration Date—the completion of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011 in combination with November’s 11-11-11 cutoff point. (I’ll talk more about the Separation of Worlds in coming articles.)

One consolation to the fact that billions of people haven’t and won’t be utilizing the Cosmic, Galactic and Solar Energies flooding the planet to ascend/evolve out of lower frequency duality and polarized consciousness and materialism, is that as you continue ascending/evolving you’ll increasingly know more about complex energies and different evolutionary levels, phases, worlds and consciousness, soul development and focus, multidimensionality, and soul decisions made by yourself and other people.

~The Energies of September 2011~

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~The Energies of September 2011~



What the August?

Wow. That was a ride. I would call it a purging by fire. We burned through a lot of ancient energy. I was amazed at the cycles that were coming to an end and patterns that are now available for more complete understanding so that new creation is uninhibited by unspoken fear. You may have noticed relationship was on the plank for many. Wherever your core wound (or core wound combo) was with relationship, August presented you with the opportunity for release - family, a love mate, religion, earth survival, etc.; August fueled the fire of transformation. You may not have experienced a story behind it, and you may not yet be seeing the results of the release. Perhaps you noticed the fatigue, a need for more food on certain days, emotions that had no reason in your day-to-day experience, body temperature changes, odd gravity and spinning experiences or other physical symptoms, especially the head & neck aches. We are in a time of compression, which could also be called a time of focus. Appreciate the ‘pressure’ and allow it to be a (more) gentle nudging by going within and listening to your heart for guidance. Allow that still voice to become the most important, for it is your connection to Truth. All have it, but not all listen.


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Dratzo! We return! Your world is beginning to feel the effects of the great change which will overturn major governments and restore your inalienable rights. This massive transformation is sending shock waves rippling through your global network of stock markets and causing major governments to alter key elements of their foreign policies. These changes are creeping up quickly on the dark cabal even as the illuminoids meet in secret to discuss how to react to what is shortly to transpire. Our Agarthan cousins have seen to it that their special liaisons oversee and inform these dark ones that their time in power has finished and that a grand denouement is at hand. The agreements to transfer financial responsibility from the US Federal Reserve to the new Treasury Banks are now being executed. Moreover, the new hard-currency financial system is in the process of final implementation. This new system restores monetary policy to the people and returns this world to a sound and true economy exchange. Nevertheless, this only scratches the surface of the changes to come!


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Each of us is connected with the Divine. The Higher Self within us far transcends the understanding of our conscious minds. This is the power that all the great geniuses and teachers have ascended to. Is also the place of magic and miracles in our lives. Here are the steps to get it back:

1. The first step is to BELIEVE [trust] that you have a Higher Being who communicate! Then expect that this communication will improve each day, as you focus diligently on inner growth. Without these two essential prerequisites, it is difficult to achieve anything in life, even at the physical level. These two qualities are essential to domestic growth. So set a GOAL to achieve contact with the Higher Self, review that goal every day and keep your purpose with determination until success is yours.


2. Transform Your Worldview.

~Elenin, Disinformation, and Earth Changes~ 8~30~11

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~Elenin, Disinformation, and Earth Changes~




~Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~


Thanks to Gunther for the latest on Elenin. Matthew Ward has already told us Elenin is no threat, but here comes a preliminary report that, whatever Elenin was, it appears to be breaking up as it nears the Sun.  We’ve all seen photos of huge spaceships near the Sun. If Elenin is indeed breaking up, and I don’t know that for sure, they may have been responsible.  Or the Sun’s gravitational pull. Or both.

Here’s what Matthew said recently:

“The celestial body your scientists named Elenin doesn’t pose an iota of danger to your planet!  This is another attempt to promote widespread fear by disseminating ‘leaked’ information under the guise of ‘governments withholding information.’ Although that does imply that you cannot rely upon your leaders to tell you about impending danger, the intent is insidious: Be fearful!” (1)


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Dear family,
Thank you  so much for the wonderfully uplifting and inspiring messages....
   I like to ask you some questions about the three days of darkness or 20-26 hours ( according to Steve Beckow interview with A.A.Michael)
1. Is there going to be any public announcement about this event?
This could be quiet frightning experience for many. Imagine people waking up in darkness to the  Mother Gaia`s  rumbling noises. Can you imagine the panic and fear?
My concerne is  for the people with a very low energy due to the stress or illness, sick and old, people that suffer from panic attacks and anxieties, children that are afraid of the dark etc.etc.


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You will not experience the loss of life many believe at this time. Truly if this were to happen, we of the Galactic Commands would surely intervene on your behalf. Safe are the passages for you to travel through. Your horizons are clear to explore as your new world unfolds. Blessed be the ones who walk in bravery into the light of a new day, for they are the ones who will receive all that has been promised by the creator. You are now ready to embark on a new journey, rich in new and exciting experiences. Release now all fears and worries about pending catastrophes, as these will not occur. Many attempts have been made to instill fear in the masses during these last days.


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