Lauren C Gorgo

~Breaking FREE: the call of destiny~

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Holy crap..things are powerfully pressurized at the moment. And interestingly, I am hearing that this intensity is firing in two clear directions where some of you are experiencing enormous expansion and feelings of betterment, while others are still pretty pummelled by these new frequencies and feeling down in the dumps.  Most of us I imagine, are somewhere in between on the blissed-out to bottoming-out spectrum.

Because of this, the Pleiadian High Council has asked that I address this pressure first and foremost to help alleviate any extra tension, depression, fear or anxiety that many are picking up on as these collective energies freely float around the ethers from all the explosions of  new (solar) light.

Radiance of 1000 Suns: 12:12-12:21 BY LAUREN

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The LOVE Strand

2013 forced us to let go of so much…but only so we could gain so much more. The entire year, right up to the September equinox (longer for some), was unmerciful…relentless in its unifying force, especially for those navigating the demanding mastery levels of consciousness required to activate the 13th strand of DNA …what the Seven Sisters of Pleiades call our “LOVE-strand”.

This LOVE strand activation is/was everything for the planet and for those awakening people who are pioneering the workings of a new, integrated reality of “spiritualized-humans”. These fearless-folk, capable of harnessing the neutral, unified (13th strand/chakra) LOVE principal are/were wholly responsible for anchoring the uni-versal LOVE harmonic on the planet, upgrading humanity and all physical matter to the 13th frequential required for our transcendence as a species.  (A serious shout out to all you badass warriors of LOVE.)

Where 12/12/12 and 12/21/12 initiated the completion of the unity-crystalline grid structure for the planet…the intricate geometric pattern of light that pulses the (13 harmonic) energy of universal LOVE thru our physical and the earth body’s circulatory system…the 12/12/13 & 12/21/13 is slated to complete the activation process for the spiritually-embodied.

The Radiant Ones: eMERGEnce

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Is it just me or was this Mercury retrograde the fastest one ever?

Give or take some occasional left-brain processing glitches, it almost felt like I didn’t skip a beat. Overall, and compared to the last two retrograde nightmares of 2013, this one actually felt fruitful (?) and even “forward” moving in some ways.

Maybe I have finally released my resistance to it, or maybe it is all this Scorpio magic keeping me entranced in the alchemy of our blossoming creative powers…or maybe, just maybe, the more we empty out our heads and “think with our hearts”, the less effect Mercury has on our (intellectual) minds?

Whatever it is, I am better for it and I hope you are too.

~Unity is Born~Post-Equinox Effects

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The Fifth Initiation: monad merger

By On · 117 Comments · In The 5D Report

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We are born.  The (really) hard work is over, and the heaviness is starting to lift.

You may still be feeling the discomfort from the birth itself, but if you’ve done the inner work, you are probably noticing that the challenges of this never ending process have been more manageable by day. If not, stay the course. If you keep yourself focused on yourself you will be absolutely shown whatever remains in the way of your sovereignty.

Healing to Whole: the birth (part II)

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PageLines- 5DreportLOGO.gifIf you are reading this, even if prone, kudos to you just for making it to September.

Because of the way 2013 opened for me personally, with the sudden and unexpected passing of my mother, I had a very strong feeling…despite all the magical things I was hearing and being shown from the higher realms…that the entire year was going to, yet again, mimic the last 13.  Of course, I didn’t want to admit/accept/surrender to that knowing, but it was definitely there.

What I didn’t expect, is that this year would/could possibly feel any worse than 2012, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1.

Because the ascension volume was turned up so LOUD this year, and because each successive month has been more excruciating than the last, for the first time on this whole journey, I literally couldn’t see how I would get to September. And at times, I was so deflated that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to.

Lisa Gawlas ~The Power and Fulfillment of Creator Energy Returning to Wholeness.

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Lisa Gawlas - August 11, 2013

The colors of emotion

August is truly roaring thru my cells and my mind with energy, concepts and remembrances.  And yet, the richer the understandings become, the less I am able to put the understandings to words, at least with complete accuracy of explanation.  There equally seems to be some of the connections these days that are held steady in my processing vision, as if I had forgotten something so important that it just hangs there and lingers, beckoning me to remember.

Like one of my first ladies on the field of life yesterday, her connection was so simple and yet, stayed with me thru the night.  She was just coming out of the deep woods (from her west field,) woods that were so thick I could not see thru them and she was standing in a “clearing.”  A moment in time where she could reflect and expand on all that she experienced while in the woods as she moves forward to amplify her experiences into a more focused creation as she steps onto her platform of life.

Healing to Whole: from de to re-generation (part I)

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Is it really August?  Not that I have any gauge left of time, but I swear it was just spring here in NY.  And what a lovely spring it was. 8O

The good news is, after 3 months of mental stagnancy, and since the Lions Gate opened at the end of July,  I feel like I have  f i n a l l y  broken thru to some new level information.  It has been an excruciating passage without access to more expanded concepts, but I imagine that I needed to tidy up some loose DNA strands in order to be capable to receive higher level intelligence…and even tho I am always sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop, I am pretty sure it was worth the pain.

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Healing vs Wholing


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 Thanks to Revealing The Light


By Lauren Gorgo

We Deliberately Design Our Self - Created Prisons With No Windows Or Doors So We Have To Get Creative, And We Are Revisiting The Same Old Dark Places Within To Empower Ourselves For Exactly For This Purpose…To Create The PRESSURE AND FRICTION Necessary To PROPEL US OUT OF LIMITATION.....FOREVER.

First things first…we are not in the clear yet. But we haven’t regressed back to our old 3D ways either. We are just still suspended in that familiar jello-like limbo which can feel a lot like “stuck”.

I have been getting some wtf? emails since the solstice, and I absolutely get the frustration, but please know that whenever we feel caged/trapped/cornered it’s always because we are being urged not to escape the box, but to transcend it.
Lately, this week in particular, I keep hearing that perfect Einstein quote running thru me head every time I am ready to jump out of my own skin…which is at least once a day: “We can’t solve a problem at the same level it was created….using the same mind that created it.”

Transcension: moving beyond duality

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Before I even had a chance to formulate my first sentence for this report, these words bullied their way to the front of my mind:

You have officially traversed the duality matrix,  through the portal of transcension, to arrive at your destiny!  Destiny is mutable, but also certain.  You have created each and every aspect of your new life and as such, your self-created worlds are descending upon you.

First, we would like to offer a congratulations in your honor, a passing of the torch through this prayer of invocation:

scepter“Dearly BE-LOVE-eds…we gather this day to honor each and every choice you have made to unify in accordance with the Law of ONEness.  We bring forth your scepters of sovereignty and ordain each of you into the Christhood.  Through this ceremony of honor, we ask that each of you step forth to receive your accolades.


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