Family Album

Images uploaded from our Family


lemme howdt's picture

Nature creates images that we must be present to notice.  Look who i found guarding this sacred site on the North Umpqua

how we got here

wink's picture

Painted this a few years ago...alwfully appropriate now, don't cha think?

What do YOU see?

Missy Sunshine's picture

Anyone want to share their interpretation of this cloud formation?


I got a bunch more, but only posted this one. All my pics are in their original format, unedited and unenhanced.


Love & Light,


Aloha On Call

Reiki Doc's picture

Lunch and the inspiration to do the research for the last blog post. I couldn't figure out a way to upload the image into the body of the post. I am sorry. Namaste.

Picture of King Leo's Sun Ship

Dan Antonson's picture

This is a Crop circle Image of King Leo's Sun Ship. This was the Star seen when Jesus was born this is what the Majai or also known as the 3 Wisemen saw in the sky and guided them to the site of Jesus's Birth.


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