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Love & Light Westcoast Tour 2012 ~ F R E E D O M !

Anonymous's picture

handwritten under this mural is this: "Art by Dan Richey ~ "Dan's Art & Soul" 2005-07 (250) 729-6659." Thank you Mr. Richey for sharing your love and light with all who walk through this park. 

Warriors of Light !

Anonymous's picture

Sea-side statue from the citizens of Nanaimo "dedicated in memory of Frank James Ney affectionately known as Black Frank - 'Six bells and all is well in Davey Jones Locker'"

Introducing Mr. Robert Benson

Anonymous's picture

If you every want to be in the presence of pure, crystal clear love and light, then meet Mr. Benson. 


Letter posted on Robert Benson's door morning of April 25, 2012

Dear Owners, Management, Staff, Trustees and Residents

Nanaimo Serenity Lodge

Go with the FLOW

Stasha beLOVEd's picture

Stasha Beloved Rose (Goin with Gaia's Flow)

animal healing love

Anonymous's picture

There is coming a time - very soon - when all systems who care for humans, all retirement and assisted living homes, hospitals etc - will embrace the miracles that happen when humans and animals interact. When they exchange and heal one another from the traumas and horrendous mistreatments that we have done to one another under the guise of fear and believing we never have enough. 

Archangel over Serenity Lodge

Anonymous's picture

This angel appeared over Serenity last night protecting all of us as a great truth is finding a way to be told.  


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