The knowledgeable person already knows -- knows nothing, but thinks that he already knows. He has come to a full stop. He has not reached anywhere, he has not known anything. He is a computer, his mind is simply programmed. Maybe he has M.A.'s, Ph.D.'s, D.Litt.'s, maybe he has been to the biggest education centers of the world and he has accumulated much information, but that information is destroying his sensitivity to feel the mystery of the flowers, the birds, the trees, the sunlight and the moon, because he knows all the answers.
How can he see any beauty in the moon? He already knows everything about the moon.
- WHEN I FEEL THE ONENESS - Galactic Free Press Original
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Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 18:48 - Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 28, 2019 - Trinity Esoterics
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 18:48