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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This New Libra Super Moon is a powerful one!   It is very energized…intense and presents us with some Radical Transformations while we experience Accelerated Evolution!  These chaotic and transformative energies are affecting us all and at times…. bringing in some angst and fear. We are in uncertain times, with the virus that is all around the World and the angst about uncertainty in most areas … but staying out of the fear is extremely important.  These are World Wide events …and this Libra Full Moon is about love, relationships of all kinds and balance! 

These energies seem to be intensifying daily….and they are.  We are in the midst of extreme transformation and it is starting to wear on our physical bodies as well as our mental health.  There is a feeling of total exhaustion.   This is true for everyone including Astrologers themselves.   Remember that the beauty of Astrology is to know the energies you are dealing with so that you can navigate the energies out in the real world a lot better.  But also remember that everyone needs to take care of their bodies and there moods.   If you feel tired…please rest…if you feel lonely…get out of the house and or…do something physical.   These energies will continue to be strong at least till we get to the end of December when they may shift a little. 

This Super New Moon is the second super New Moon of 2020….the second out of three.   It will seem to amplify your deepest desires adding a bit of chaos and transformation with it.   We also have Mars retrograde in a Super faze of its own.…as it is the closest to the Earth that it will be until 2035.  Adding to the mix we also have Mercury retrograde (as of 3 days ago).  Not to mention a powerful Cardinal T-Square with 7 planets and the New Moon involved.   Lots of energies making it a good time to get serious about Meditating and Manifesting at this New Moon.  We need to take the time to slow ourselves down a bit and connect with our Guidance and manifest Peace for ourselves and for the World!

However this is a Full Super Moon in Libra ruled by Venus…accenting Love and Balance.  This is something to enjoy. Take time to rest and meditate to help keep yourself out of the “fear” so you can move towards “Love and Peace.”  The Libra Full Moon is about Love….we are supposed to think with our Hearts…we are supposed to be thinking Peace…not War (war on the virus and otherwise)!    These energies are affecting us personally, the Earth, and the collective.   The energies are revolutionary and transformative!    We are still in the “Shift”…..we are in times of great change; and everyone can feel it!  So enjoy these days of the Libra Super  New Moon…and think of Love….coming from your Heart…enjoy the Arts, creativity!  Manifest Love and Peace!

This Libra Super New Moon is focused on relationships!  Relationships of all kinds…your personnel one’s with lovers, friends, work relationships, and also relationships with leaders, governments etc.  Libra New Moon’s are about balance, love of the arts…and usually a very soft and fun energy…however this Libra Full Moon is a powerful one…..as it squares Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter/Pallas Athena and opposing Mars/Eris/Black Moon Lilith ….activating transformation, drama, chaos, intensity and urgency! 

A SUPER MOON IS  This is the second consecutive Super Moon of 3 to take place in a row.  A  Super Moon means that the Moon is very close to the Earth (this is called a Perigee Moon) and it therefore increases and intensifies the energies that we normally feel from a regular Full Moon.  It will also affect the Earth, the weather, the tides, and all of humanity. 

NEW MOONS BRING NEW BEGINNINGS, and give us an opportunity to set up new patterns in our lives…new goals.   In Libra it is a great time for new beginnings in relationships, creativity, and to bring balance into all areas of your life. New Moons draw us inward giving us the opportunity to reflect on how far we have come and were we are planning to go next.  New Moons are the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies that activate in us the knowledge we already have….. so that we can embody it, move forward with it and create a beautiful future.  It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!

NEW MOONS ARE WHEN the Sun and the Moon are sitting right together……blocking out all the light. Giving us the opportunity to feel the darkness….to feel the quite….to feel and see the beauty of the night sky…with all its magical twinkling stars……oh the wonder of it all!    We can almost Feel the closeness with Source and the wonder of the “other side”….it is time to manifest!   It is time to make some powerful intentions……it is time to create.  How loving…….that we are given this opportunity every month……at the New Moon.

When we say that the Sun and the Moon are sitting together…..we are actually saying that both luminaries are in the same sign sitting right next to each other, not separated….but in oneness!  The energy of the Moon is then doubled…giving us more opportunities to both learn about this energy and to use this energy.   This month it is about Libra……

THIS LIBRA NEW SUPER MOON, which is ruled by Venus…..is about Love, creativity, balance….and all types of relationships.   It is about…..equal give and take, the law, diplomacy, being social and enjoying the arts, both observing them and creating them.    It is about being the peacemaker and the awareness of “open enemies” (meaning, people that we have to be around and deal with even though we know that they might be an enemy.) It also is about bringing into balance our need for connection with the “other” and our need for freedom. Wow that is a lot!!  

When we talk about relationships…..we have to realize that there are many kinds of relationships. We have the traditional relationship with our Lovers, close friends, business partners, and Family. We also have a relationship with ourselves. Our beliefs and our inner talk….self-love and self-hate….and the masculine and feminine aspects of who you are. You have relationships with friends, bosses, strangers, clients etc.  We also have relationships with nature, animals, the Earth, our Galaxy and all Galaxies…..our Angels and Guides….our own Spirituality, our Soul, and with Source/God/God-Goddess! We need to be flexible within all our relationships, because as the “new” is being co-created by us…..the way we look at relationships is also changing…..surround them in patience, peace…and Love!

This Libra New Moon defiantly is giving us a strong message about relationships. It is time to make sure that all the relationships you are interacting with…. are within balance, and are vibrating where you are vibrating. Make sure they are honoring “equal give and take”…… without one person controlling more of the relationship then the other.  Balance!   Libra is about committed relationships and the beautiful Love that surrounds them on the high side of Libra.  On the gray side of a relationship you might have abuse, control, or co-dependency….also the falling in Love with Love instead of the actual person……this is not the high side of Libra’s association with Love in relationships!

If you are thinking about Love relationships and really truly want to find your “Soul Mate”…..this is a very powerful New Moon in Libra to manifest your desires….make intentions…and co-create your love life and your own reality.

Libra is about Balance!!!  Unfortunately the world is so out of balance right now. War, no Peace, the powerful and the powerless, the bully and the victim, the rich and the many poor, climate change, food, the political system, and the male energies and feminine energies etc. etc. It all needs to be brought into balance…..before we can truly reach Peace, Love and Evolution!  Pray for a healing of these out of balance areas in our World. We must bring things into Balance! The Universe is speaking loudly!!!!!

LIBRA IS RULED BY VENUS, the planet of Love, beauty, money and the feminine.  Venus is in Virgo and is trining Pallas Athena and Jupiter…pulling in Pluto and Saturn all part of the Cardinal T-Square.  Trine’s are harmonious…flowing energy…indicating that regardless of all the major aspects at this New Moon….this aspect is making it a little easier to negotiate the strong Capricorn planets.  Using…beauty and a little love, when speaking.  Especially within all relationships!

There are a lot of different and transformative activations at this New Moon.   You can feel this energy and see it being brought to the surface where ever you go right now.  Just turn on the TV.  Libra is about balance…it is about Love…it is about creativity…it is about equal give and take…it is about the law.   Over these last few months…now…and in the months ahead, the Universe has been and is speaking Loudly!  Equal give and take….Equal give and take in all relationships! No one is better than anyone else.  No gender is better than the other.   Pluto…transforming the way things have been into the way things should be!  Pluto also rules sex!   Again….this is a very powerful New Moon.   The seeds planted and the actions taken during this time will play out for months to come….the choice  is yours as to how you are going to handle all the relationship issues….in all arenas (friends, lovers, partners, at work, business, government, leaders, countries etc)  that you are dealing with.  Equal Give and Take.   Pluto is initiating transformations in these areas.  Pluto is saying loudly, that we need to transform these relationships that are not in or moving towards the higher energies and we need to do it with integrity and respect!   

 Expect some changes to happen in some of these areas! 

The changes could be in many arenas and can happen as quickly as a lightning bolts….. or as an awakening when you realize that you are no longer vibrating where this “person/person’s”  are vibrating and you find that you must move on….gently….but you must move!  I have focused a lot on personnel relationships….but relationships with CEO’s, Presidents and Congress, other countries and other countries leaders etc. etc. also fall into these changes.  

This also includes boss’s or owners of companies that exploit people (mostly sexually), for their own advantages. 

THE NEW LIBRA MOON IS ALSO…Trining (harmonious aspect) the dwarf planet Ceres.  Ceres is about fertility…the growing of the grains, vegetation, food etc.  Fertility of ideas and of course human fertility.  She is known as a Mother figure.  The Moon itself also represents the big Mother.  Again, a lot of feminine energy in this Libra New Moon.  Ceres (because of the taking of her daughter)… had the strength to stand up to and fight back against Pluto (lovingly called  “the God of hell”) and made him come to a Balanced agreement with her…involving her daughter.  Ceres, the first Goddess to make a powerful leader (Pluto) agree to an equal give and take agreement between them…in how to handle Persephone…Ceres daughter. The Universe is speaking loudly here….. We need to have the courage (both personnel and government wise) to stand up for what we believe in and to try to bring things into balance as we plant the seeds of Peace and unconditional Love throughout the plant and all humanity!

MERCURY RETROGRADE IS TRINING NEPTUNE.  Neptune is also squaring the Nodes!  Neptune is the planet that rules Pisces and both represent the Spiritual realm, intuition, direct connection to Source, meditation, manifestation, working with Angels and Guides and channeled creativity!  Neptune also represents unconditional Love.  Neptune is opposing Venus…which accents even more that the Universe is wanting Love/Peace on Earth.  Unconditional Love, and all relationships…both connecting right now through the opposition…making the energy very strong.  The North Node is where the Universe is wanting us (as a collective) to head….and the South Node is what the Universe wants us to move away from.  Neptune squaring the Nodes means that it is through Love, your psychic, intuition, working with your Angels and Guides etc. that we (the world/collective) can achieve the collective’s Soul growth Gemini North Node by connecting with our Neptune/Pisces energy.  North Node in Gemini is about being able to see both sides of all communications and honoring both sides. Meditate on this….

THIS NEW SUPER MOON HAS ALSO FORMED a Cardinal (birthing of new, change, and urgency) T-Square (friction, stress energies) with Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter/Pallas Athena in Capricorn (government, corporate, all our structures and integrity/respect), and Mars/Eris/Black Moon Lilith in Aries (war energies, courage, action, arguments, pioneer, passion)!  Pluto is about transformations….especially in the areas accented with this New Moon!   With Eris we have the added aspect of the opposition to this Libra New Moon along with Mars retrograde and Black Moon Lilith.    Eris is about chaos, competition, jealousy.  Mars is our warrior energy, take action energy, passion and courage and Black Moon Lilith is about the female energy standing up for her own beliefs!   This aspect can also bring about power struggles.  With Pluto it is about the transformation of the Soul’s of those within the relationships (personnel or with leaders throughout the world) it is about taking action that can lead to either War/fights or Peace/Love (Libra New Moon) ……. the choice is yours!!!!

It is as if the Universe is also saying….this New Moon is about relationships….but don’t forget the relationship between yourself and all humanity!  Yes there is a lot of Chaos out there, and things feel unstable and at times it feels a bit volatile, along with mood swings and anger…..but we need to pull on this Libra energy of love and balance.  We need to bring balance to everyone….treat everyone the same…we need to communicate to others with integrity and respect…..we are all one….we are moving to the oneness! 

This aspect is also strongly associated with worldly events.  The relationships between Countries, their Leaders, or Religious groups, etc.    With Libra also representing areas of the Law (Libra’s symbol is the scale’s)…..it is an extremely powerful time to pray for PEACE!  Peace in ourselves, our community, humanity, our World and its leaders, and all worlds, throughout the Universe.

 Again…it has to be put in everyone’s faces in order to see what needs to be changed!    We are in a time of radical change assisting our Evolution…and as above (the planets energies), so below (the Earth)…..we can see it being played out almost daily!

All of these aspects at this Libra New Moon gives us the ability right now to say what we are thinking….right out loud…especially when we feel there is injustice involved! But to try and do it in the most balanced way…with some Love (Libra/Venus) within the words you are speaking. 

Remember also…that the things that are brought into your conciseness during this New Moon and its aspects, won’t go away when the New Moon disappears……the seeds have been planted….it is our choice to nurture them and help them to grow.  Meditate on this and ask for guidance…above all Listen!

This New Libra Moon is within the orb of the ancient star systems of Arcturus and Spica…powerfully activating and illuminating the energies of both. When the Ancient Star systems are activated, it also activates our DNA were we can have remembrances from the Ancient Star systems.

The Full Libra Moon activates Arcturus: the fourth-brightest star in the sky.  Edgar Cayce mentioned Arcturus more than 30 times in his readings, calling it “the highest civilization in our galaxy” and “the way, the door out of this system.”   Other channeled sources identify Arcturus as one of several extraterrestrial groups who seeded life on Earth and who continue to aid humanity’s evolution

The Full Libra Moon also activates Spica:  As the star of the grain harvest, it is the provider of our material needs, and indeed it does always show up well in that respect.  It is the star of eminent dignity, immense wealth, great happiness and favorable for public and legal affairs.  A word of caution….you only reap what you sow.  So share your wealth with all!

During this Libra New Moon, meditate and manifest for balance in all relationships, especially during this period where things are being brought up and put right in our faces and into the open (good and bad) so that they can be healed…..including the troubles in our government, and around the world. They are being put right in our faces so we can’t miss them…..if we can’t see what needs to be healed...then we can’t heal it!  It is time to move away from places, people, and things that no longer vibrating where you are vibrating and to do it in a loving way. It is time to leave behind your “baggage” so you can move forward. It is time to manifest and create your “tribe” (those that vibrate where you vibrate), and to bring balance in your personal relationships of all kinds.

Being in balance is a key word with Libra…..and being in balance is the key word of the “Shift” that we are currently in. With this Libra New Moon manifest….true Balance and love in all areas……..Peace is the result!!!     Manifest Peace! 

It is time to take the time to Meditate during these energies of this Libra New Moon. As I have heard said before…..if you have to schedule in 15 minutes to meditate….you probably need an hour!! Meditation not only relaxes you and puts your body into a peaceful state….it is also a time that you can receive incredible guidance, if you listen!!!  Meditate and manifest on Love in all areas….. Meditate and manifest on balance in all areas. Manifest and create a beautiful reality……a beautiful world for yourself, your tribe, your community, all humanity, the Earth, our Solar System and the Galaxy. Manifest a world that holds, Peace and Love as its highest gift……Love of all!!!!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. 

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below). Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 
Feel free to share this update, in its entirety! AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2020

All rights reserved.   Cathy Lindsey     AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology     

AstroEyes@aol.com   www.AstroEyes.com   515-779-7154


