~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-25-2012 ~ No stopping changes

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-25-2012 ~ No stopping changes



As some videos show, those not aware of why these changes are occurring get confused and/or scared. Weather seems to be flipping all over the Planet, snow instead of flowers and flowers where there should be snow. New glaciers where there was grass and ages old ones dissolve... That is why it becomes even more important to spread the message. The Planet is Changing. It is nothing to be scared of, simply be aware and follow your own intuitions as they come from YourSelf.

The changes are for Good... go with the flow and smile whenever you feel like.

Spread your energy of Love, full the Earth’s Heart tank as it had been left empty for so long... and Mother Earth will smile back at you 1000 times.


Love you so





Sun-diving comet and Earth directed CME



A Sun-Diving was caught on the Soho satellite feed April 23rd, shortly after the comet’s death plunge a large Halo coronal mass ejection (CME) was observed and appears to have earth directed components. Impact on the earths magnetic field is expected sometime April 27th.


‪Updated 4/25/2012 @ 13:40 UTC

Solar Update

Solar Wind: 641.5 Km/s

Solar activity has been fairly low with the largest event being a C3.7 Solar Flare detected around Sunspot 1460 on Wednesday morning. This region is now approaching the western limb. All other regions have been fairly quiet with only low level C-Class activity observed. There will remain a small chance for an isolated M-Class flare.

Geomagnetic Storm Update

A long lasting Geomagnetic Storm that reached very close to the Strong G3 Level took place Monday night and early Tuesday morning. Visible Aurora was seen in many locations and Ham Radio operators were able to make numerous contacts via the Aurora on the 6 meter (50mhz) amateur radio band. This storm was due to a sharply south pointing component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) that allowed the solar wind to flow in and generate aurora. Things are now starting to return to quieter levels.


UPDATE: Minor Geomagnetic Storm conditions (Kp=5) did again flare up Tuesday evening. The solar wind is currently near 500 km/s. Be on the lookout for Aurora at very high latitudes.




CNN: Volcanic activity recorded at mountain near Mexico City


Santorini volcano showing signs of rapid inflation

Posted on April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012 – GREECE – About 3600 years ago, at the height of Minoan civilization, Santorini let loose with one of the largest volcanic eruptions in history. The explosion blanketed nearby islands with piles of ash hundreds of feet thick and sent out a gigantic tsunami that devastated Crete, about 68 miles to the south. Smaller eruptions across the ensuing millennia ended abruptly in 1950. Then, after 60 years of calm, the caldera reawakened early last year with an escalating swarm of earthquakes. When geologists took a closer look, they could see the ground was swelling as well, as though the sleeping giant were yawning. The earthquakes and ground deformation scientists observed between 2011 and early 2012 are unprecedented since the 1950 eruption. But just because a volcano is sucking in breath doesn’t mean it will spew. Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull stratovolcano really let loose in 2010 after its own swarm of deformation-driven tremors, but Long Valley caldera in California has been breathing heavily since 1980 with no eruption at all. In a recent analysis of the volcano published in Geophysical Research Letters, scientists estimate Santorini’s latest inflation is due to 14.1 million cubic meters of magma accumulating in a chamber about 4.5 kilometers below the surface. That may sound like a scary-big mass of melted rock, but it represents only about 0.03 percent of the estimated eruptive volume from the monstrous 1650 B.C. eruption—not nearly enough for a repeat performance. Should Santorini erupt, it will most likely be a relatively tame event, the study’s authors say. –Discovery

Explosive-extrusive-effusive eruption of the Kamchatkan Shiveluch volcano continues



Shiveluch is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth. During the first three weeks of April 2012, brief bursts of volcanic activity left radial streaks of ash on the surrounding snow. Explosive-extrusive-effusive eruption of the volcano continues. Ash explosions is up to 10 km (32,800 ft). Aerosol and ash plumes can be dangerous for flights on international and domestic airlines. Aviation color code is currently orange for Shiveluch and Karymsky volcanoes. (Volcano is exhibiting heightened unrest with increased likelihood of eruption. Volcanic eruption is underway with no or minor ash emission.)

Visual observation shows ash plumes rose up to 21,300-24,600 ft (6.5-7.5 km) a.s.l. on April 16-17, and up to 13,100-16,400 ft (4-5 km) a.s.l. in the other days of week. Visual and satellite data show, a viscous lava flow continues to effuse into the explosive crater of 2010 eruption, strong and moderate fumarolic activity accompanies the lava flow effusion. According to satellite data, ash plumes extended for about 74 mi (120 km) to the north, east and northeast of the volcano on April 14-15 and 17-18; a weak thermal anomaly was noting over the lava dome all week. At any time, possible ash plumes exceeding 10 km above sea level.



‪4/25/2012 -- Severe weather forming Midwest, South, and North -- next 2 days be prepared


‪Crazy Spring Snow Storm in Canada now. Has Haarp gone wrong?


‪Latest Earthquakes Report - April 24, 2012




All my Love, ANdReA

~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


If you missed our lated Energy Update:




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Way to Go and way to Show Your Love Humanity! We ask you to share if you can for this very divine mission.


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