The energies are increasing and
Time and space no longer have any meaning
I am alone, yet I am not
For I feel your presence
I feel our energetic connection
The love radiating between us
I close my eyes
I am transported
To a place where you and I meet
We unite this way again and again
Our spirits merge
The light so bright and so intense
Everything is transformed
I awaken and I feel alive
My energy has been changing
Coming more into balance and harmony
Awakening to who I am
I feel myself vibrating differently then before
I have connected before
Soulmates full of karma to be released
This time its different
As I reach this point of stability
Centered within my power as a Goddess
I feel you with me
Your presence unmistakable
This union undeniable
The connection unavoidable
We join in dreamtime
Though upon waking
A slight confusion sets in
Whom embodies this Spirit
Whom is it that merges so perfectly with me
I shrug it off
I let it go
My heart prays
It sings our song
It's carried upon the wind
Your heart shall hear
I am sure one day
My call will be answered
Where, When, How
Only our Spirits know
One day reunited
Til then my love
I am always a part of you!
y o u r l o v e
shines pure ... your words are beautiful. thank you.