Connections by Suzi
A reader comments that he sees victim mentality when it is said that Celestials and Galactics will save us from the cabal, especially when there are what he calls humongous contradictions between channelers.
He points out that we as individuals need to raise our vibration enough to get to the point where other beings and dimensions are as “real” as our daily lives. He sees arrests and containments as cons from the same cabal.
Original Source lets us play the game in any way we choose, this reader continues, and free will is an unbreakable law. He feels that channeled information distracts us from taking responsibility for our own saving.
While I don’t share that particular view of the current state of our reality, each of us really does choose what we perceive in the world around us. We have so many sources of information right now and my feeling is that it is completely on purpose for it to be so. Humanity is being called to know what is true all on our own. How can we move onto the next stage of our evolution if we feel we have always to look to others for answers?
I scan for information every day just like millions of others. In my body I feel when truth shows up, and when something is vibrating at a love frequency rather than a fear one.
Having said that, my feeling is that we actually can’t break free of the grip on humanity and the Earth without help. It is up to us to do the work of releasing all that is not love from our beings. It is up to us to expand our awareness of who we are … powerful light beings with God in every cell and in our amazing DNA.
It is up to us to ask for and be open to receive help, from one another and from our Star Family and from the Company of Heaven. And it is up to us as well to really get that what we do to anyone else, we do to ourselves. I have faith in humanity and even if the vast majority is asleep, there are enough of us awake to do the work for everyone else.
We’re all connected and we’re all co-creators here, and I don’t feel that we have to do it by ourselves. There’s a difference in asking for and accepting help while we do our part, and in sitting on our butts and expecting to be saved. I honestly don’t know a soul who feels the latter way. We’re already getting a huge amount of help, and we just don’t see it yet. So many of us need proof of a thing before they act but in my own experience, faith is the power I need.
Love and Light…