God said:
Come into My heart, says God to you. Come into the parlor of My heart. Here is where you lounge. Here is where you stretch out and relax. Here is where you know Me.
In My heart resides your heart. In your heart resides My heart.
All of life is Ours, heart and soul. As you recline in My heart, with your feet up, so to speak, Our One Heart beats as One because that is how One does do, does be, is. When two hearts beat as One, there is One Beat. Slip out of the extant world for a while, and you will know what it is to have your heart aligned with Mine.
The extant world is a world of illusion, and so you slip out of illusion for a while. Of course, it is illusion that you have anything to slip out of, for you are a staunch resident of My heart. We embrace. We are in an embrace. My arms are around you, and your arms are around Me, Our arms of love. Love is Oneness. Oneness is Love.
There is a song in My heart, and the song is you. Have I said this before? If I have not, I don't know why not. Perhaps you did not hear Me. Certainly you forget that which needs no speaking of, this Eternity, this Infinity that you revolve in. Spin in My heart, beloveds. Spin, spin. Weave your life from the threads of My heart. My heart is yours to weave, to kiss, to assimilate, to roll in, to stand on your head, to absorb Heaven and to document it on Earth, this time and space place of beauty, when beauty exists in the heart, and there is nothing else but the beat of Our hearts reflected onto a screen pulled down, an image, an image of something wonderful seen from Heaven, seen from the heights of love and seen from the depths of love.
Let Us call the heart what it is. It is a place card of love. It is a holder. This is the place at My table where you sit. Your assigned place is here. And you sit where you are assigned. There is no getting up except in your imagination which is vivid. The ethereal appears concrete. You think there is somewhere else to sit other than in My Love. There isn't. There isn't any place for you to be but in My Love. You are enwrapped in My Love, and you are held high in My Love, and within My Love, you love, and you and the imagined world are ensconced in love, filled with love, immersed in love, shining in love, beating in love. You are a percussion instrument of love. Your heart beats. Your heart beats not for life, but for love, for the love of God and for the love of Pete.
Your heart is all. Your heart serves in My favor. I favor your heart with My love, and so the love in your seemingly separate heart is enlivened.
Your heart is the tom-tom of the Universe.
Why does your heart beat? It beats for Me. It gets in tune with Me. There is no other tune. There is one tune, One Song, and it is a song of thee, and it is a song of Me. There is no Me. There is We. There is no We. There is One, the One lavishes love, ladles love like a most delicious soup, and there is no dry land, for all the land is absorbed in love. There is no other place to be but in love. And, so, here We are. I mean, here am I, and, therefore, you, the imagined you seated in love.
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