Heavenletter #4342 New Delights, New Adventures, October 14, 2012
God said:
Do you remember the story of the little Dutch boy who put his finger in the dike and saved the town from flooding? It was a good thing the boy did.
In human life, your mind becomes like the dike that keeps back the tide. In this case, the tide is the past, and your mind is the dike that keeps the past from going where the past belongs.
Is not your mind flooded with memories? How much of the past can you hold onto? Save memories for when they are needed, when they serve a purpose, when you can not be flooded with them. Let the dike of the past go. Free your mind. Too much accumulation. Too much accumulation becomes clutter. Have a mind that is free and not dammed up.
There must be empty space in your mind for new thoughts and discoveries to be made. Old thoughts hold your mind back. Old thoughts are like reins that let the mind go only so far and no further.
It is good to stop accumulating. It is good to move forward. Of course, one thought pulls another. It would seem that you never run out of thoughts. In fact, it seems that thoughts pursue you, overtake you, interrupt you. Is not your mind King Midas who holds on too tight to his gold? Too much gold becomes dross. It becomes a setback, a hold-up. Too much of the past clogs your mind, holds it for ransom.
Let your mind be free. Let it be free to explore and not hoard.
At the end of the day, imagine a container like a hamper where you drop off unnecessary thoughts and, therefore, replay them no more.
How many times have you thought the same thoughts over and over again to your detriment?
Bless yourself with new avenues of thinking. The past does not have to keep its promises. It can break them. You can break the cycle of the past by your thoughts alone. Launder your thoughts of the past. Let them be past. Let them go where old thoughts go. You cannot keep them forever nor do you want to. The promises of a lesser consciousness are meant to be broken. They are not meant to be kept. You owe no allegiance to past thinking.
The past is all a dream anyway. Set new dreams in motion. You can dream anything you want. Let the dreams you want flourish. Abandon all the flashbacks you have. Because the light may have been dim once is no reason for light to be dim now. Adjust the light of your life to a new wattage. Even the happy past holds sadness for you. Turn up the light, beloveds. Forsake the past that has truly forsaken you.
The past that never was certainly is no more. Consider the past a shove that propels you forward.
When you move from one place to another, you cannot take all your possessions with you. Nor can you hold them all in storage. Make not a storage bin of your mind.
Make ground for planting new seeds. Old thoughts are stale. They do not move you forward. They may hold you in their thrall.
Let your keyword today be new, new delights, new adventures, expansion and elevation. Off with the old and on with the new.
Your past recollections are not to abide with you, nor are you to abide with them. They are meant to be temporary.
Have a clearing in your mind. Set your life free. Free yourself from the past and start anew. Otherwise, you hold back the dawn.
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