ET Direct Co-Op Srevice

Yojman's picture


Imagine being with a few of your Earth Ally

Friends out doing Light service...

As a Visualization:


A group of us are in a forest next to a creek;

birds and dragonflies abound. Ahh, mmm.

Suddenly a Cosmic hush, and stillness

drapes our whole space, all around.

In the clearing, a multi-tier

Starship of Peace appears.

The tall, lovely crew of 13 steps out:

8 women and 5 men.

We all bow to their great Light.

They in turn bow

to our great Light and Love.

They join our campfire and accept tea.

We are all smiling.

One of the men says,

“Do you know who you really are…?”

A woman begins to describe

the importance of that Truth.

Another man says, “We must begin immediately

to assist the oceans and the atmosphere.”

So, the woman explains and describes how…

As our group settles in

to this real-time actuality,

the profound and overwhelming

Peace and Joy of Universal-Being-ness

becomes our Power and sustenance.

The Play and its work

have begun this step

of restoring this sweet Earth

and Her systems (our daily life)

back into alignment.

The Peace is unstoppable.

Our Family is re-united.

Our Mission is clear.

The animals weep for Joy.

The birds’ songs are understood.

The task at hand is enormous.

Love, Wisdom, and Power (and Its Purity)

are the only things We obey – Ours.

Remember "'I Am' here, 'I Am' there,

and 'I Am' everywhere Present – right now.

'I Am' Mother/Father God acting."