For those here who wish to be in
an activity of a service needed now,
here is one that has had a voice of its own
for a spell.
We know it’s not for all to participate,
as you all do so much already.
So give yourself a break.
Or…let’s harness our Superpower
and do what we can to assist
the younger generation’s Protection and
Freedom in their awesome task of re-building
the now-incoming new World and its new systems.
------ Here is a Power Template for this Service ------
Thought Form:
A Heart Flame (yours)
is somehow everywhere and within everyone.
This Heart Fire has
a predominantly Electric Blue Flame,
enfolding all of the young.
See it first in your region,
then easily see it around your nation
and the continents.
Breathe into this for a few moments,
feeling us breathing together and smiling
as we are the Power.
Please decree with Feeling:
I Am here and I AM there,
and "I AM' the only Presence acting there.
I Am the Resurrection and the Life
of our younger generation’s
Divine Plan Fulfilled.
I am so Grateful
for all assistance to this,
Our prayer.