For several weeks I had this notion about how can I keep negative thoughts and stuff away from my growing "field." I was doing my daily walk when the idea of a giant washer machine popped into my head. Hence the title. It made me happy to see a giant purple washer spinning clock wise sometimes and other times counter clock wise over my head.
I made it purple so that it is my giant Transmuter of all thoughts actions etc. There is a stream of energy from the top of my head and the energy goes into the machine and then it shoots out the top of the machine all clean straight up and back into energy.
I asked Adamus St. Germaine if I could called it the Adamus Eleketra888 model. He and I actually laughed about it and he said I could call it that if I wrote about it. He has been bugging me for several weeks now. So here it is. Anyone can use it and you don't need quarters or laundry soap. Just your intentions to transmute negativity into love. That is all it takes. I leave it on constantly and if something major happens I intentionally put it on extra large load and let it rip.....Breathe.
I have opened my new bag of majick tricks and I am getting comfortable in my new skin and my washer and I are busy every day.
May this day bring more Joy, Peace, Fun, Love and Happiness your Way.
In Love,
Purple negativity transmuter
Thanks for sharing that....will use it often!