Heavenletter #4369 The Sirens in Greek Mythology , November 10, 2012
God said:
Despair is not something for you to be familiar with. Did you think it was? What is despair but anger defrayed? Anger and despair get you nowhere. Leave them behind you now. No longer take them with you, overtly or passively. You have had enough of them. You thought you needed them. Now you know that they are not your friends. Face the facts, and be done with them.
Will you miss anger and despair? Possibly. Nevertheless, they are like an old habit that you no longer keep. You no longer save them up, waiting for the moment when they erupt. To what avail, beloveds? You are not meant to be a volcanic mountain, nor are you meant to be a mountain that flattens itself. You are not anger. You are not despair. Anger and despair are like twigs in the ocean that you held onto. You thought they helped you float. You felt that anger was strong swimming. With despair, you floated on your back, and just let the waves take you where they willed. Propel yourselves, beloveds. Wade in the cooling waters and swim. Find a direction you like, and go in it.
Anger and despair are like the Sirens who lured Ulysses and his ship and his crew from their journey. The Sirens had an allure that they did not live up to. They appeared worthy. Their island certainly seemed like a good place to stop for a while. And yet, once there, the Sirens lost their beauty, and, only by great maneuvering, could Ulysses and his men escape them. The thing is they had to escape the Sirens before they were caught. They simply had to not go to the island where the Sirens lived.
And so must you stay away from anger and despair. They are not last resources. They are not resources at all. They are flare-up’s and they are sinkings and definitely not in your best interest. Anger and despair are not to be the masters of you. You are to be the masters of them. When a need seems to arise, call on all the love in Heaven and love within you.
Love yourself enough to not fall on the shoals of anger or despair. They do not become you. They are not you. They are false counsel.
“Where did anger arise from?” you ask. “It seems to be common. And what about righteous anger, God? Do You say there is no righteous anger?”
I say that because someone lights a match, you don’t have to adapt yourself to it. You don’t have to follow its lead.
Is there injustice? Yes. When you look at life in the light of justice and injustice, you are looking at the wrong door. Certainly the door is there. And, certainly now, it is for you to try another door. See what is behind it. Dare to open it and enter where you do not harbor anger or despair. Move on to something else. Move onto wisdom and love, for are they not choices laid out for you?
On your bed this morning, you may lay out the clothes you are going to wear today. These are the clothes you have decided to wear. You could have picked out other clothes, yet these are the ones you picked. You wear them all day. The choice was made. You made the choice, and now you stay with it.
Just so, stay with love and wisdom. Get out of the pitfalls of anger and despair. They are two sides of the same coin. This is coin you no longer are to deal with.
You have risen to another state of consciousness where anger and despair cannot come. You no longer take them with you, not even as back-up. You do not reach for them, and you do not let them tag along. The angry and despairing state of your life is done and gone with. Now, come with Me.
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