A Savior cannot teach Equality, by definition.

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“A Savior cannot teach Equality, by definition.”

This is the insight of the day!! (Dec. 5, 2012) This came due to my innumerable visions of my being the Christ and of offering salvation to all of Planet Earth. I can’t stop these thoughts and visions, but I can observe them. And as the Observer, I can question why I have these. As I can Question, so too can I be Answered, and the Answer to why I have these thoughts was Clearly Given:

“They are a supremely beautiful, miraculously wonderful distraction.”

These are my last and final dream, my one and only idol, that I be the Savior of Satan, and thus that Satan need saving. A Savior cannot teach Equality, by definition, simply because to be a Savior acknowledges that there are those who need saving. Nothing and no one requires salvation and thus it can only be an idol, i.e. Anti-Christ, who offers it.

This is my last, final and only temptation: to be the Anti-Christ instead of the Christ, to offer salvation instead of Accept it. But if I can Accept it, so too will I have Accepted it for all of Planet Earth. And only when all of Planet Earth has Accepted it, will I have Accepted it.

This is the End.

And this is the Beginning.

Of what, is up to You.

Of what, is up to Us.


With Profound Love,



