Join us Live Today for a Pre~12~12~12 Celebration and Love Party for The Birth of The New Paradigm!
Thank You for Joining us and Participating in these Grand Events!
Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific at this Link
Last Night on 12~7~12 We Drove Into Mt Shasta and Captured this Amazing CloudShip which was transforming before us. The Energy Emitting from this was A WOW! At One Point the Center lit up like a fireball in the shape of the Merkabah.
This same CloudShip stayed there all night and appeared over us this morning, Blessing the Love Party! YEEHAW!

Enjoy The Energy! and Join us Live Today for a Lift Up with some Help from our Family In the Skies!
Love The Earth Allies
OMG! These cloudships are
OMG! These cloudships are spectacular!..Thanks Will for taking these pics..Most beautiful ones I've seen... wow..Peace, Light, Joy, and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3
Wonderful to see a product of all our hard work!
Thanks Will!
I must agree that when you see and connect with these beautiful 'cloud' ships one feel so energized and joy-filled! I cannot help but comment as you mentioned the light you saw shining in the middle of one! In the early 1990s I had a similar experience at a rural lake in Ohio. Instead of appearing as a Merkaba the one I saw had a blazing pink heart! Sounds unbelievable yet I was with a group of friends who witnessed this too. Once you connect with the Ships of Light from within your heart the blessings expand and expand in your life as you truly begin to see more and more beyond this veil/fog we have lived in for so long! Life, light, love and joy are opening up and expanding for all willing to receive from our Star families! ((( <3 )))
Creative imaginations
From my studies and guides from my Druid bloodline, I see that this is an energy vortex, which tells us more about the earth energies than the UFOS's or celestial bodies: although sometimes I think elementals which are also present here may be celestial. I think UFO energy is very different...more mercurial, quantum, electrical. Peace, Elo Ma Devi
Amazing cloudships..The one
Amazing cloudships..The one that stayed overnight looks like a teacup and, sit back, have a cup of tea and watch the show..LOL ..Also amazing is listening to Spirit in the Sky while watching the moving photo...Loved it..Anyone ever tell you Will you look like Norman Greenbaum? :) Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3