Feb 11 - On the resignation of the Pope - God shares...
"Another grand shift...what comes will not be predictable...we say..........hold the Light for truth to prevail. No coincidences as we experience the call for truth, freedom and direct connection to God ourselves.
Allow God/Light to burst forth....much change to come we say...it will be a step, not the final, but a step in a more open disclosure direction...that includes release piece by piece of Vatican treasures of Truth written that have been hidden and not adhered to.......more to come we say...man must be prepared for truth.........."
NOW, today (3-21), WE say the evidence speaks for itself - A Holy Light is seen in the New Hope Pope as he is named "The Unpredictable Pope". Much uniting and joy will take place where there has been grand separation. A healing of all begins through this One.....
Pope Francis breaks the mould again with ceremony at prison instead of St Peter's
Pope Francis, whose spontaneity has already earned him the nickname "the unpredictable Pope", will break with tradition again when he holds a major ceremony in a prison chapel rather than in St Peter's.

Francis, who has broken the mould with his informal approach and unscheduled walkabouts, will conduct next week's Maundy Thursday service in a prison for young offenders on the outskirts of Rome.
The service is normally held either in St Peter's Basilica or in the Church of St John in Lateran, which is the Pope's church in his capacity as Bishop of Rome.
Instead Francis, who was the archbishop of Buenos Aires before being chosen as Pope in a secret conclave in the Sistine Chapel last week, will hold the service in the Casal del Marmo jail.
There he is expected to wash and kiss the feet of 12 inmates, in a gesture that commemorates Jesus's humility towards his disciples before the Last Supper, on the night before he was crucified.
His decision has surprised Vatican officials but is very much in keeping with his past in Argentina, where he washed the feet of Aids sufferers and met with street prostitutes.
Welby 'not frightened' by enthronement 21 Mar 2013
Jesuit priest 'was not denounced' by Pope Francis 20 Mar 2013
Pope Francis calls for 'respect' for all religions 20 Mar 2013
Impulsive Pope Francis keeps security detail busy 19 Mar 2013
He often held Masses in the homes of seniors, and in jails and hospitals, traveled to work by bus and eschewed a grand residence in favor of a small apartment.
Francis will have his first meeting with his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, on Saturday.
The 76-year-old Argentininian will be flown from the Vatican by helicopter to Castel Gandolfo, a centuries-old castle in the hills south of Rome where the Pope Emeritus has been staying since his historic resignation on Feb 28.
The pair, both wearing the white vestments of the papacy, will sit down for a meeting and then have lunch together before Francis flies back to the Vatican.
For centuries, Popes have remained in office until they died, so it is extremely unusual to have an ex-Pope co-existing with his successor.
The only Pope to willingly resign was Celestine V, a mountain hermit who was appalled to be elected pontiff in 1294. The bearded holy man hated the role so much that he abdicated after just five months and nine days.
Things did not end well for him - he was locked up by his successor, Pope Boniface VIII, and died in 1296.
Voice and messenger of Light