Heavenletter #4564 - The Ship of God

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Heaven Letters

God said:

Peace unto you. When you feel My love, what can you have but peace in your heart? Be at peace. Allow yourself peace.

There is no need for you to surround yourself with upset or anything like that. Why have turmoil in your heart, anxiety, aggravation, distress, hurt, sense of abandonment and all the other shards you have embraced in your heart? Your heart is meant to be an oasis of peace and love, love and peace. I offer all good to you. Will you accept? Will you forget about trouble and let go of troublesome thoughts?

What We are really talking about here is letting go of the past and living life as it comes, not planning it nor exorcising it. Just living where the living is easy. Ho, ho, how easy it is to live in the present where you immerse yourself in Eternity and delight in Infinity.

Come, sail on the ship of God and sail into the Cooling Waters of Love Ebullient. In this moment of now, despite what you may think, you are love. Love is your passage. Now is your ticket. Letting go is your speed. Reaching Me is your process and your destination. I am Everything, and you are too. You are your process, and you are your destination.

Ahoy, mateys, We sail together on a Still Ocean. We are already together. There is nothing for you to do and nowhere for you to go. This is how it is. This is how it is in the Reality of Love, Oneness, Heaven, Loveliness, God fortune.

You are My fortune, and I am your fortune, and, beloved, We, We are good, and I mean GOOD.

From the first moment, you were birthed from My heart. Think of it! Just think of it! You were born from the Love in My Heart and the Light of My Eyes. WE are already in the Harbor of Love. You have thought you were elsewhere, yet always have you been here with Me. Think! Think a moment of what I am saying. Do you think I just pass around pretty words?

I don’t. There is no reason to. I have the goods. I have the real thing. I AM. And you are too. Sing Hallelujah!

You know Heaven exists. In the world, you can know the existence of Heaven. You have experienced it. You are not a novice. You are a full-fledged human being, the Fruit of My vine, the Flowering of My Heart. My heart spills in love, and My love is for you. Take it. It is yours. I AM yours. You are Mine. How many times must I say this before you take in what I am saying?

I am saying that you are My love. Not only loved by Me, but My Love. You are My love in the world showing up. Reveal yourself. There are ribbons of love in your heart asking you to pull them out and wave them around and hand them out to a world hungry for manna from Heaven.

You, you, you are My manna from Heaven, and I have flung you to Earth. You are what the world has been waiting for. Your very Self. Self, be true. Self, be prominent. Dare to be your Self Who loves and knows nothing else. What else is there to know, I ask you.

And, yet, forgive Me for saying, you pursue folly. You pursue righteousness. You pursue lost causes with all you are worth when, all the while, I am right here, and you are right here with Me. I am in the palm of your hand and the chambers of your heart. Is there somewhere else you want to be?
