Heavenletter #4578 - Bright Star

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Heaven Letters

God said:

You have learned plenty in your life on Earth, and you are learning more and more and greater and greater. Isn’t it a wonderful thing that there is always more to learn, more to accommodate, more to grow from, more to grow to, more and more wonders in the world for you to discover?

And so you expand. Willy-nilly, you expand. You leap from heights, and you dive to the depths, and you come up again for air, for learning, for life. You are embarked on a journey called life. It is a wonderful journey like no other.

Sometimes you pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Sometimes, it seems to you that all you can do is crawl, and, yet, striding or limping, you slip into Heaven as you are. You are not your limping nor are you your striding. You are My holy child.

All are welcome here. I welcome all. You, My children, are My most favorite topic. Of thee I sing. Will you sing of Me?

Will you welcome Me each morning and say G’night to Me every night, and will you dream sweet dreams of Me?

Will you hold Me in your heart as I hold you in Mine?

Will you walk with Me and talk with Me? Will you hold hands with Me? Will you walk arm and arm with Me down the weaving roads of life?

What can We not be together when We are One, One Embrace of Love. Scattered on Earth, or Whole in Heaven, and you are My Beautiful Self.

That’s hard for you to believe, only because you don’t quite grasp Who you are and Who you are to Me.

This is a case of mistaken identity here. I know you, and you don’t know yourself, your Self. You know a jigsaw puzzle of yourself in pieces. It is not easy for you to put this puzzle together. You are really taken aback by the seemingness of you in bits and pieces in variant ways. You may see yourself as your broken fingernail, unaware of the gold within you. You simply don’t know Who you are. You can’t believe it. You can’t believe Me. It is just too far from your belief system for you to believe. How can you believe that you are I even as you suffer?

You do at least realize that I do not suffer. Perhaps perceived suffering is the only distance between Us. And, oh, My Mightiness too, of course. You don’t believe in your mightiness. Some of you think you have flunked life. “What mightiness?” you might ask.

You may think you have majored in weakness and in being led astray. Indeed, you have been led astray. You led yourself astray. Just about everyone you know and just about everyone in the whole world has been led astray, and so you joined the popular party, and you joined fear, and you joined suffering, and you joined inadequacy. You voted for the wrong party, so to speak. It is yourself, your Self, that is for you to vote for.

Cast a vote for yourself, a shining star in the firmament, a shining star who seems – only seems – unable to see his or her shiningness.

In the darkest nights, I see you, star light, star bright, and you think I must be looking at a star behind you and mistaking it for you.

Add to the mix that you do not see the other stars that surround you. You see them as sagging human beings when they are bright stars like you. A bright star, seen or not seen, is nevertheless a bright star.

Believe Me, you are a bright star.
