Heaven Letters Published on: June 15, 2013
Why would anger play such a big role in your life? Without the three A's – anger, aggravation anxiety – would there be illness? These three eat at you, do they not? You feel them in your gut. They squeeze your heart. They get your dander up. Sometimes these three witches are the mainstay of your life. Well, yes, at least they let you know you are alive. Be alive without them.
Can you not allow three other A’s: -- allowance, acceptance, and absolution take the place of anger, annoyances, and aggravation? Just like you, everyone is trying to get along in the world. Everyone is not always thinking of you all the time. They may be forgetful. Why would you be upset with someone because he or she forgot something or, perish the thought, you were not uppermost in someone’s mind? By what divine right does anyone have to make you uppermost?
People are not always perfect, but what does that have to do with you? Can you not be easy-going regardless of what other people do or don’t do? Must you let another’s spin on life impact you so much or at all? Why must it matter to you so much what another says or does or thinks or prefers or does not prefer? Why does someone else make you upset to the degree that you are furious and filled with anxiety and keep making you feel offended. And if you find yourself reacting, why would you keep that reaction vibrant over and over again?
Taking these presumed errors personally is a child’s game, beloveds. What someone else does or does not do has nothing to do with you. Maybe you really believe that you should be uppermost in everyone’s mind, and, if you are not, then you are forsaken or relegated to the back door as unimportant. It is you who relegates yourself to the back door. It is you who makes yourself small. Certainly, you are making small matters big. You can over-do such presumptive sensitivity, you know.
A year from now, are you even going to remember what today seems like a huge offense?
You can always take offense. It’s not hard to do. By the same token, it may be just as easy or easier to not take offense. Someone doesn’t listen to you? What is the big deal? Can it be worth all the furor you give to it?
You say you would like to be more like Me. You say that. Do you see Me getting perturbed over everyone who doesn’t listen to Me? And with Me, We are speaking of bigger issues, while, instead, you are angry because someone doesn’t adore you.
I do not give you life as a test. At the same time, life can be seen as a test. Pass the test of aggravation. Pass the tests of anger and anxiety. If you would like to be done with them, be done with them. Do not be so attached to getting your own way. No matter how wonderful your way may be, your way is not everyone’s way nor is your way memorable to everyone. It just may not be important to everyone. Does it have to be? By what divine right, do you say that what you like must be as important to others as it is to you?
Make allowances for others. When others don’t seem to suit you, this could be a sign that you need to remember less your reactions and, rather, pardon others for being as they are rather than what you might like them to be. Would you want them to be like you who so frequently finds error?
Be at peace. Why choose anything else?