Cupcakes and Angels Posted on
◈ This is a collection of excerpts from the second half of my QHHT session with a client whom I’ve chosen to call “Cassie.” In Part 1, we followed along as Cassie explored her lifetimes as a water element during the earliest days of the Earth’s creation, and also as a member of the planet’s first society of Human Beings. We will now join Cassie as she steps aside and allows her “Subconscious”, or what Dolores Cannon terms in her writings as the “SC”, to speak through her. In reality, what we are referring to in this article as the Subconscious is actually the highest, collective source of all knowledge; our Highest Selves. We now rejoin the session as the SC arrives…
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(** B is me; SC is the Subconscious.)
B: Why did you choose this selection of experiences to show to Cassie today?
SC: (the SC will always speak as “itself” and not as the client.) She asked to experience every possible emotion and experience of the Humans. She did that.
B: So you wanted her to know that this is what she had asked for?
SC: Yes.
B: Is there anything more you can tell her about these experiences that would be useful for her in this lifetime?
SC: It’s all a dream. This existence is created in the dreamworld for experiencing. The Humans or the animals or anything that is here is truly here, and they carry the essence and the energy of this experience. But it’s not real. And that’s okay. We wanted to explain that. (What the SC was trying to explain is that even though the things we are experiencing as Human Beings are learning experiences and based in illusion- we actually are, simultaneously, in a physical form, going about our day and fulfilling our lifeplan.)
B: So what you’re saying is that when we’re here in a Human body, it feels very, very real because we don’t remember much about where we come from? Could you share any helpful hints for Cassie, so that she can deal with her Human life better?
SC: Yes we can. Come into the time that is now. Feel yourself as large. Attached to all of Creation. When you need to come back (after meditation or feeling detached), find some part of your body that’s highly sensitive to pain. Gently squeeze or pinch it and you will come back. (This answer addressed the issue of not being “grounded” or “present” fully in the body.)
B: Do you mean after meditation, or if we find ourselves drifting off at unexpected times?
SC: You never have to worry about not coming back.
B: Once we come come back, we usually forget where we’ve been or what happened. Is that going to change for those of us incarnated now?
SC: It’s a possibility, it’s a possibility. But she already knows how to do that. She just doesn’t listen to The Masters. They came to teach the Human Race, to tell them, but the people just don’t listen.
B: Are you speaking of Jesus, and others like him?
SC: Oh, he came much later. There were so many before him!
B: Are there any Masters of that nature who are walking the Earth right now?
SC: Of course.
B: And are they in a Human body?
SC: Of course.
B: Are we going to be seeing any changes soon?
SC: Oh, yes. You are seeing them every day. Everyone believes in magic now. It’s a magical world, a magical world…
(We then go on to cover some personal questions, and pick up as we are discussing the topic of how Cassie can care for both her physical and energy bodies.)
SC: She knows what she is and she just wants to fight it. The things she does to her physical body reinforces her false ideas about her limitations. It is her diet, and she is staying away from the sun.
B: Should she be in the sun?
SC: Yes. And the moon, too. She needs moonbaths and sunbaths and waterbaths. She’s born of nature and needs to be embracing it instead of thinking that it’s yucky (I laughed at the SC’s use of this word!). She’s human now.
B: Cassie would also like to know what she can do to regulate her weight.
SC: She knows what to do. She just has to let it all go. Let go of her illusion.
B: Is she holding onto fear?
SC: No. Not fear. There’s a part of her mind that thinks all of this is very silly (the Human experience).
B: And what about her Restless Leg Syndrome?
SC: (The SC begins to laugh) She invented that! She got so much sympathy about that from her grandmother and her mother and everybody, when she was a child-from everybody she told that silly story to!
B: But so many people have it. It’s a real thing, isn’t it?
SC: It’s silly.
B: So then, how can she get rid of it?
SC: She can break that energy. Break the energy. She can ask her Helpers.
B: Her Helpers?
SC: Her friends. The other healers. But she already knows how to fix it herself, but she just won’t do it.
(We skip over a few more rather personal health issues.)
B: Is there something Cassie should be doing with her life that she’s not doing now?
SC: Yes. She might want to meditate more. She’s distracting herself by doing things, and with all the projects.
(I then ask the SC about a persistent vision Cassie has been having, spanning a couple of years, at least. In it she sees herself in a type of tent-city, doing healing work. A man appears, and she instinctively knows he is her twin flame. All she can notice about him is that’s wearing khaki pants and hiking boots. I ask the SC about him.)
SC: Yes, well, she’s resisting all that.
B: Is he waiting to come through and manifest in her life?
SC: Yes. But she has this ego thing about not needing anybody.
B: Is she supposed to be in a relationship right now?
SC: It’s her choice, but she needs to have a better set of priorities. This way the choice is clear. She could choose not to. But it must be for the right reasons.
B: Can you give Cassie some more definitive ways that she’ll be able to identify him, when she does meet him?
SC: It will be very clear. If she would just adjust her vibration it will become very clear.
(I go on to ask the SC about the tent-city in Cassie’s vision, and if this is a potential meeting place for herself and the gentleman.)
SC: Yes, it is.
B: Can you tell her where this place is?
SC: Yes. It’s the center for refugees from the waters. There are the floods, great floods. They’re coming with supplies. But she can choose not to do that.
B: What are the great floods?
SC: There could be, maybe, a lot of rain coming. And, oh, we don’t know the whole answer for this. It’s silly, that everyone is trying to predict some great catastrophe. There’s just going to be a some climate changes. And they will be good.
B: But this is not definite? It’s just a possibility?
SC: Oh, there could be some rain. But not a disaster. Just a possibility.
B: But if it happens, it will be in away that Cassie will be a part of it?
SC: Yes. But Cassie and the others all interpret disaster in the strangest ways. Well, change is not disaster. Change is change.
B: I think, when it’s accompanied by destruction, the Human being tends to have fear.
SC: Oh, they just lose their stuff. Then they just get more stuff, and it makes them feel better.
B: Is this flooding going to occur in any particular places?
SC: Certain places. Some of the river basins will be flooded again, but they shouldn’t have built there.
B: If this timeline happens, will Cassie be traveling to these flooded areas to give assistance?
SC: Yes.
B: And is that how she’ll meet this gentleman?
SC: Yes.
(We skip forward now, to where we are asking the SC for any other information it feels Cassie should have.)
SC: Her group is made up of nice people. There are 4 or 5 of the Celestial Council who will be joining her, finally. Cassie is a Lightbeing. The lifeforms of the Universe come in all shapes and sizes.
B: Cassie would like to know exactly what it is she’s supposed to be teaching.
SC: Oh, she’s doing it!
B: What can you share with us about the events going on in the world right now? Do you have any advice that can help us?
SC: Dispel the fear. Fear is the great killer of all that is Light. Dispel the fear. Approach people in a way that you don’t create more fear. She’s careful to try not to bring people aboard if they’re not ready. That just makes them more fearful. You all, every last one of you, need to dispel the fear. The fear that religion and politics, war, all the fears create. They somehow decided that there had to be a fear-side. What is that? All these lives taken through fear.
B: Thank you. That’s such good advice.
(The SC drifted off for a moment, as if Cassie had fallen asleep)
B: Is something happening?
SC: Yes. This feeling of Unity with Cassie, and the lines before her. Some of these Humans were not behaving very nicely. Some of the people she’s been a part of were not very nice. It’s a wall. Just a part of the learning, the capacities of the Human spirit. And the fact that the fears are what create the darkest sides of the Human existence. They depict, you depict beings as having the full range of Human emotions. We don’t fear. We don’t know what that is. We know love and that which you call loyalty. But beyond that, we don’t know these other emotions. We don’t always understand the reactions of the Humans. So maybe now we can displace some of the fear. There will be better communications between people.
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