June Full Moon is called Buffalo Moon (Omaha). Happy Full Moon to Everyone...

cocolove77's picture

BY:White wolf

The biggest full moon of 2013 will rise into the night sky on Sunday, June 23, and you can watch the lunar event live online with the online skywatching website Slooh Space Camera. The Slooh Space Camera will offer a free webcast of the supermoon full moon at 9 p.m. EDT on Sunday (0100 June 24 GMT).

A so-called supermoon occurs when the moon reaches its full phase shortly at the same time as it makes its closest approach to Earth for the year. The moon reaches perigee, the point in its orbit that is closest to Earth, each month, but there is a 3-percent variance in the exact distance of lunar perigee distance throughout an entire year.

During Slooh's Sunday webcast, the website will provide live views of the moon from remotely operated telescopes at its Canary Islands observatory. You can follow the webcast live on SPACE.com, or directly from the Slooh Space Camera website, or the Slooh iPad App.

Astronomer Bob Berman of Astronomy Magazine will provide commentary alongside Slooh's webcast team for Sunday's event.

"This unusual perfect confluence of lunar perigee and full moon will create the highest tides of the year," Berman said. "We can expect expose-the-sand lows and lap-the-boardwalk highs on Sunday and especially Monday, since the oceans usually require a day to catch up with the behavior of the moon."


Photo credit: Steve Montalto


7 Secrets of the Supermoon Explained:

Mysteries of the Supermoon It's a bird! It's a plane! No … It's the supermoon!

About once a year, when the moon is at its most full and closest position relative to the Earth, it becomes the supermoon. Supermoons have been blamed for everything from madness to flooding, but is it fair to find fault with Earth's closest cosmic neighbor?

Here are seven strange facts you may not have known about the supermoon.

FIRST STOP: Earth Destroyer? Not at All A Supermoon Won't Destroy Earth

It Won't Make You Crazy

Not All Supermoons Are The Same: The perigee between the Earth and the moon can vary by as much as the diameter of the Earth during any given month. Although that might seem like a large number, on average, the moon is about 30 Earth diameters away from the planet.




The Moon AKA: Reptilian Satellite

Soaring Shadow Hawk's picture
So let me get this straight...
* An object that, when it is in 'full bloom', creates the need for police and ambulance services to increase the number of 'on duty' personnel due to the massive upsurge in violent and destructive behaviour that occurs;
* An object that has caused indigenous cultures around the world to create special ceremonies for its presence - not to celebrate it, but to protect themselves from its dark influence;
* An object that is so not a part of of this planet's natural history that civilizations around the world have recorded, both in written and oral traditions, "a time before" its arrival here, and that it was drawn into Earth's orbit by 'the chariots in the sky';
* An object whose origins have been extensively-theorized about by mainstream researchers, only to have all three of the most prominent ones completely fail to find even a smidgen of scientific consensus;
* An object that is far too large, too close and too light for a planet of Earth's size, with an unlikely orbiting rotation - to say nothing of the fact that a planet like Earth (which possesses a weak gravitational field) shouldn't even draw in a moon-satellite to begin with;
* An object whose unnatural distance from the Earth's surface just so happens to perfectly eclipse the Sun (our planet's source of life-giving photonic information) - not just once or twice a year, but on a daily basis;
* An object that NASA (through observing asteroid and other missile impacts on the moon's surface) has discovered is a hollowed-out ("inside-out") structure that seems to possess metallic ('ringing') qualities;
* An object that only shows the planet one face, instead of rotating like naturally-occuring orbiting satellites do;
* An object that, if anything, prevents the Earth's inhabitants (plant, mineral, insect, animal, mammal) from fully-receiving, absorbing, translating, and utilizing the entire spectrum of the Sun's frequencies - acting as an energetic 'firewall';
* An object that keeps the Earth's orbits around the sun in an elliptical orbit - the same kind of orbit that it has around the Earth - which leads to the infamous 'wobble' and subsequent Milankovitch cycles which have caused massive upheavals with regard to planetary climate events such as the last Ice Age;

... so I'm being told that this object, this false satellite, this un-natural invader, this manipulator of consciousness, is somehow connected in any way to Gaia's innate wisdom and beauty, that it is somehow an avatar/symbol of feminine/goddess energy (gotta love patriarchy!), that its influence over the female reproductive cycle is a natural and positive event, that it is a synergistic aspect of our planet's holistic biosphere to which we might offer up intentions and prayers of manifestation, that it is somehow a part of our lives that is to be worshiped or appreciated in a way that gives it power and influence?

Sorry folks, but that strikes me as the very definition of....(wait for it)...
*drops mic, walks off stage*