Galactic Free Press ~ Staff Meeting Minutes~ June 24, 2013

Lia's picture

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Scribed By Lynn



MG and FG have been loving Humanity for so long and finally, humanity is loving MG/FG back.


The “Takers” are taking themselves out... The Givers are giving and taking back the planet... The energy is here...


MG felt snow balls of energy go straight into her heart chakra...


Events happening in Texas are feeling dense - there are protests taking away women’s rights.  MG feels that this is a way that the issues are being exposed for love to address and transform them.


There is no need for us to protest because we are all LOVE and Love attracts Love.  It is more constructive to be for something as in “for Peace”... All that is not real will dissolve.


We are the solution.  Love is the solution.


If you’re not centered in this energy, you will feel tired and confused.


The pineal gland is opening. Cellular memory is being released from the shoulder blades.  Many are feeling head pressure. The pineal gland, shoulders and heart are all connected - like a butterfly and like angel wings.


The Ruby Slippers = The Holy Grail


  1. Alexander, 2150 - a book about Twin Flames.  FG found MG


“The Golden Ring” = walking out of illusion into reality and marrying creation.


Nelson Mandela is in critical condition and when he transitions will take a lot of unconsciousness energy with him to transform to assist Us.


British Minister of Defense release the rest of their UFO files but did so with spin that the whole thing was of no importance. Said they closed the UFO desk in 2009, coincidentally when MG and FG reconnected.


Pharma created the diseases, the treatments and the dumbing down of humanity with chemical medicine.


Small Humanoid discovered in Chile - a skeleton of an alien-looking body. Dr. Steven Greer has created a documentary about this finding, stating that Humanity must step up to the plate on demanding disclosure.


Again, the takers are going to take themselves out... they “take, take, take” until there is nothing left... That is already happening. This is where LOVE WINS.  This is Universal Law.


MG’s angels showed her the mission 6 years ago and she thought, “This is impossible!” Now MG can see it is all happening, now... “Finally”...




Galactic Family Party - July 25-27 in ,Mt. Shasta... camping weekend.  The first of its kind!



The Galactic Press = The Real News.


There is no way to control creation or the universe. The cabal has a fantasy that they can but they cannot. Creation overrules that.




BelindaLove's picture
Thanks so much for the commentary! Always miss these meetings so its nice to be updated. Thank You