Heavenletter #4602 - An Impending Event

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Heaven Letters


God said:

Something magnificent is about to happen. I don’t have any other way to say it but that.

Your range of thinking has expanded since you have been reading Heavenletters. Of course, you are always expanding. Now you are expanding and extending your heart and mind further.

So, now, when I say something magnificent is about to happen – may even have happened before this Heavenletter is sent out to you – it will impact your life although it may not specifically pertain to your personal life.

What would you like this magnificent happening to be? Do you want it to be a sign, such as a comet streaming through the sky, or do you want it to be a concrete event that can only make you know that you and I exist as One?

I tell you the magnificence that is about to burst forth is not a flashy event. It is not a movie in the sky or a dramatic performance on Earth, and, yet, this occurrence will be a portal to the opening of all hearts on Earth, including yours.

You will first wonder about it, wonder about what you feel, and wonder whether you really feel it, wonder whether your sense of it is really real, and that, really, life on Earth is taking on new dimensions. You have felt hopeful before.

For a long time, Heaven and Earth have been getting closer. You will wonder:

“Can it be that there is no longer division between Heaven and Earth? Can it really be that they have melded into One, just as You say, God, that You and I and everyone are One? Can it be that I live to see this day, and see it here on Earth? What will the newspapers say? Will they note this rising that I feel so strongly within me?

“God, You are telling me that there is an impending event or something like that about to happen, yet, it is subtle. It is not going to be snow in summer, or high temperatures rising in winter. It is not going to be a cataclysm, and, yet, it will be noticed. Will it be known, God? Will I know this magnificence that is going to spring up in life, in all lives, and in mine? Can this be true? Am I asking too much?

“Is this going to be a New World? Will I visit other planets? Are You, God, really everywhere, and are there many Kingdoms and lands that I seek to know. Would I seek to know them unless they did exist?

“Will I visit Heaven, or will I exist here as a human being who enjoys two worlds? That can’t be right because You have said – I think you have said – that Heaven and Earth will be One, in actuality and also in my recognition. Can it be that I will know, and know for keeps? What are You telling me, God, dear God. You couldn’t be leading me down a garden path, could You?”

No, I could not.

Together, We, you and I and everyone, are going to walk down an actual garden path, not a fantasy. Oneness will be known. And you will know it. In this magnificence I hint at, there will be overt change, subtle as it is. You will know that something is different. You will know that something has changed. Whether you can name it or not, you will know, and this change will not be a back and forth change. It is change that will stick. The changes inside you will be, not envisioned, but seen, seen and experienced, and you will experience naturally, for what is upcoming is part of your destiny. You are My envoy. You participate in the glorification of Earth as it rises. And, so, you rise with it. You will know something. You will know you are rising. All glory to My Self Who is God within you.






Mario's picture

Haha :) I see hahaha it goes far in reaches of time

May we be one

The subconscious

Mario's picture

Is connected to source by which is One of All and One in the All the knowledge we get from our subconscious minds when we can tune into it some go by trance and others do drugs or meditation or create AS FOR PASSION JOY AND LOVE Augments our vessels our capacity to acquire a clear connection to our I AM which is Driven By Our Subconscious mind or Higher self to unlock your inner potentials and see the world from a different state of being prepare yourself to walk within your true beingness your soul self the higher self/heart and conjoined your soul body spirit subconscious mind/Inner self and recreate your life on this earth to see...
