Liver Cleanse Diet: 11 Ways to Support the Body’s Fat and Toxin Processing Wonder

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 07/01/2013

grapefruit and lemons 263x164 Liver Cleanse Diet: 11 Ways to Support the Body’s Fat and Toxin Processing Wonder

The liver is essential for so many things, but most importantly, it is one of the most vital internal organ to support weight loss and help us to detox from the millions of poisons in our air, water, and soil. Without the liver, and bile produced by the organ, we simply couldn’t lose weight, no matter how much we exercised or ate sensibly. This is because the liver helps to create and process special enzymes called lipase that digest fats – and guess where most of the toxins in our bodies are stored when they aren’t running through our bloodstream – you guessed it – in our fat! It is essential to include  detoxifying foods every single day to naturally have a liver cleanse diet.


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