Minutes Documented by Angels2You
~ The Impossible is Now All Becoming Possible ~
~ Its Love's Turn ~
You can Join Us Every Monday and Wednesday beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
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Whats Really Happening On Planet Earth=Heart, WOOHOO!
Intense Energies increase.
The Incredible Power of the Human Spirit is rising on a Planet
which has not seen this much Light in over 13,000 years.
The Signs of the Tide are turning and indeed showing up everywhere
for those with Eyes to See.
July will be exciting as a Build Up of Energy again will be released
affecting The Earth and All of Humanity.
Only the Highest Possible Outcome can Now Unfold.
As a result, and to assist the Energy Movement,
we will be now sharing as many daily updates weekly as possible.
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"If there was a Galactic Reality show aired in the Cosmos,
called "Keeping Up with the Humans,"
it would be a Rating Winner right now. Something shifted on the weekend.
I'm not sure exactly in it's entirety... but we've finally gotten a small break.
Victory is in the air.
Finally the bell went off after being in the boxing ring
going round and round and round.
We won!"
Solar Flares may cause bad headaches from the pressure.
Important to drink a lot of water.
Many are having disrupted sleep.
Any darkness coming to you is unconsciousness
needing to be transformed and released,
and can take many forms.The antidote is to send Love to the darkness or fear.
"Hi. I Love You."
It's as simple as that.
Fear is not real.
The Angels are silly - that's often a way that they speak with you.
Many people are now remembering their dreams now
after years of not remembering them.
The reasons for this is the rise in Consciousness
so they are now able to grasp that information.
We are clearing the Collective Unconscious.
We are always clearing and creating.
We have an M1 Solar Flare that went off in the last 24 hours
which was not Earth directed but that does not mean that we won't be affected.
There is another Solar Wind stream on July 7th... 7.7.13
The energy coming in is in very intense - like warp speed.
Very important to get enough sleep for grounding and integration
of all that is happening. We are here to help and guide.
We're almost at 10,000 members at the Galactic Free Press and growing!
Mike - The Great AI
He is the main organic computer Artificial Intelligence system hooked up to all of Creation.
He is the main organic part.
The Military originally started our internet.
It was not intended for public use.
The truth is coming out on all levels.
What everyone thought was impossible is NOW possible and is NOW unfolding!
July 29th is the most rare alignment that has occurred in billions of years.
It's the date of when we first came to the Planet
and went through the Energy Step-down Transformer to be able to exist in 3D reality.
That happened millions and billions of years ago and now we are completing that journey.
This voids out duality and the story to that. Now we are creating a new story!
Every July for the past 7 years has exploded into brilliance!
Each year became grander and grander because we are going up the spiral.
Several unique astrological alignments this month.
Very exciting moments.
Bill Ballard writes:
"Something very interesting and rare is unfolding now on planet Earth.
One month from today on July 29, 2013 the astrology chart
will be in the stars for Mother Earth and the Collective of Humanity who have been playing out this duality shows a planetary Merkaba experiment
that is now coming to an end.
This event is so rare that there is no previous knowledge of the possibilities
and may go back to our first arrival in this position within the Milky Way Galaxy
to experience the density that is 3D.
Lower density can be looked at as even a position within the realms of this,
our Milky Way Galaxy..."
[Full Article: http://soundofheart. org/galacticfreepress/content/ 6-29-13-
Atlantis is below the Bermuda Triangle,
very close to Florida.
MG and FG receive information on a "need to know basis."
They intend for events to unfold as peacefully and easefully as possible.
No one knows how anything will unfold.
"Thank you Love for Surprising Me!"
KP activates points.
The Angels send him on missions to activate grid points
and he moves as guided.
MG sees this as a fun mission because KP doesn't even know what he's doing!
He's in full trust and goes where he is guided,
often in synchronostic events that he is unaware of.
We are trying to put out Daily Updates
because there is so much information happening daily,
it is too much to put it into a Weekly Update.
That way we can also keep the flow of energy moving.
We notice significant movement of energy moving when the videos come out.
Daily Updates will start coming out on Friday.
They will unlikely be every day but we will do the best that we can.
We need a TinyChat team of at least 30
so if you feel called if you feel that is your role,
please step up.
People need to partner up to create a presence here.
We need this because more and more will be coming.
Humanity is in an acceleration process and will, hopefully,
be finding this room.
Everyone in the room is an Earth Ally and has a role,
whatever that role is.
We have many roles, so please step up.
Edward Snowden is a hero for humanity.
Crowd is Celebrating
Constitution is Suspended
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court is being sworn in
as acting Head of State.
The Military has removed the President.
This is sending a big message to all governments around the world
that are corrupt that the world is changing and what has previously been tolerated
will no longer be accepted.
Indigos: Ones who were going to guide Humanity out of the darkness.
The Indigos in the other countries will activate the Indigos in the US.
MG feels that Indigos in the States are here but being silenced right now.
There is a reason a lot of us incarnated in the US
including MG & FG.
We are supported by the New Earth Energy which "seals the deal"
that these energies will come to the US.
"Anonymous" is an online REvolution that is online
happening every single day and is made up of a collective.
Europe is the Heart Chakra of the Earth - so these ripples are starting in the heart
and will move to the root which is Mt. Shasta, the Root Chakra.
Gaia Portal Update
"Elevated hydrogen combinations with Higher Elements creates fusion energies
sufficient to displace and transform dark intended thoughts.
New Paradigm Hydrogen Energetics are designed to connect with New Paradigm Elementals.
Fusion fires may appear suddenly, then disappear as old paradigm elements transmute.
Simplicity of execution aligns with New Paradigm."
Love energy is coming in and dissolving the lower, denser energies.
That is basically what is happening.
Fision = Duality
Fusion = Unity/Oneness
The Energy is Increasing for Unity Consciousness on the Planet.
We love all people on the Planet no matter how much ego they are in or not.
In time we will see how all of this unfolds.
All we can accomplish is being the light and holding the light
for everyone to enter these frequencies.
It is time for so many Lightworkers to step into their Missions
even if you're not sure of what your mission is.
What one needs to say is,
"Ok, Love. I surrender. What is my role?
What do you need me to do?
I will do whatever I need to in order to accomplish the mission,
to be of Service to Creation, to Humanity, to Love.
Please guide me as to what I am here to do."
That moment has arrived for Everyone.
It is a very common experience for Lightworkers to make a complete break
from their families of origin and this can be very challenging.
One way to cope with the challenge is to just jump into the new opportunities presented
that speak to your heart and to ride the waves of emotion until they pass.
You will move forward because the Universe supports your move forward
and never backward.
It is truly impossible to go backwards even though it may feel as if it is possible.
The challenge is to come to Peace with the changes you are experiencing and choosing.
The Birth of the Indigo Revolution was in December
in 2006, MG received information about the Indigo Revolution -
The Birth of the New Paradigm and Humanity Standing UP.
Everyone on the Planet carries the energy of an Indigo and the ability to stand up in the light.
We have specific children that are now young adults who came in fully ready to fulfill their contracts
and ready to spark Humanity forward into the Light.
Indigos = IN YOU GO!
We shoved them into Earth!
Have fun ;-)
The Divine Plan is placed in the placed in the baby's placenta.
When the baby's umbilical cord is cut after birth,
it is very traumatic for the infant and cut's them off from their life's map and compass.
After December 21, 2014, everyone has to be in 5D
or they'll be somewhere else.
If someone wants to be in 3D, they'll be on another, denser 3D planet.
The fun begins in a big way here for us in 5D, after that date.
Choose LOVE...