Heaven Letters Published on: July 8, 2013
There are levels and layers. Within each of My children, many levels or layers exist, and you stop off at varying ones as a matter of course. Sometimes you are really on, and sometimes you feel off. Sometimes you skim the surface, and sometimes you scan the depths. You, you yourself, are more than one dimension. You are many-dimensioned. You are inner space, and you are outer space. You are more far-reaching than you credit yourself with.
Despite your denseness, you are not always dense. You have sparkling moments of enlightenment where you know far more than you own to. Sometimes you are like someone who has traveled the world and forgotten where he’s traveled. You may have an inkling that you have been somewhere, yet it’s like someone else snapped his fingers at you, as if to say: “Get back here where I AM. Wake up!” Even the part of you who snaps his fingers at you has had to be where he snapped his fingers for you to leave.
You may well have been somewhere where Truth roams the range.
Question: Do you know where you should be, belong, etc.? Answer: Right where you happen to be. And this comment of Mine can also be taken at many levels.
I want another term besides levels and layers. Levels seem a little judgmental, higher and lower. The word layers seems to be more stratified than I want. Let Me think. Higher notes and lower notes also seems to be judging. Hmm, a scale. It isn’t easy to escape words that judge in the world.
Perhaps We can think about strata and levels and layers as something not vertical but more side by side, perhaps like wedges of pie on a glass shelf at a diner. Each pie is wonderful! Okay, apple pie, cherry pie, blueberry pie, pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, lime chiffon pie, chocolate cream pie. All are delicious and desirable. We can say you have a choice, although often it may not be your conscious choice which pie you are served. It could be considered more like you find yourself eating one flavor of pie and not another. Or maybe you’ve eaten chocolate cream pie so often that you are now open for another taste delight.
Or, more the way it really is, it could be that one of the pies chooses you! OR, you, by chance, without even looking, choose one and not another. In any case, you find yourself eating one pie at this moment and not another. Each piece of pie has its own flavor. One may be a more common choice, another seemingly rare. Nevertheless, the real Truth is that you have tasted each flavor of pie many times.
Yes, I like My image of pies rather than layers and levels. Each piece of pie serves a good purpose. Some are rarer and not so readily available as others. The rare ones may be considered most valuable. All are valuable. All are welcome.
The person who snaps his fingers, wanting you to eat the same flavor of pie that he is eating, may well, at another time, be eating the flavor that he snaps his fingers at you about, but that is another tale to tell.
Looking at this from another angle, everyone has been everywhere, and all, beyond their own ken, know everything. They know it. They know it all and wear blinders and claim they don’t remember. There is something startling to the human psyche to acknowledge himself as a Knower. He may be more comfortable being someone who knows little and so, he pleads ignorance. Huh? He says, dazed.
In truth, the Prince Charming who awakens you lies within yourself. Until a magic moment, when you both wake up and look at each other and laugh that you once slept dazed, and now laugh that you have awakened when, all along, the distance between slumber and wakefulness is only a hair’s breadth away.