Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 07/11/2013
While most doctors prescribe powerful hypertension drugs that cause numerous side effects, there is a simple way to reduce blood pressure and balance cholesterol levels, and it doesn’t come in a bottle. Celery has been used for centuries to treat everything from urinary tract infections to skin conditions, but it is most profoundly useful as a treatment for hypertension. This is due to its high concentrations of a substance called 3-butylphthalide, described by researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center as a chemical that both reduces blood pressure by relaxing the smooth muscle lining of blood vessels, and purifying the blood of toxins.
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Celery really worked for me
I had been on BP meds for several years when I ran across an article saying that if one eats 4-5 stalks of celery a day one could lower their BP enough to not have to take the meds. I checked with my doctor who said to try it for a month and see what happens. Normally withoug meds my BP was 190 over 86. I didn't change anything else, and oh by the way, I carry around an extra 50 pounds as well but didn;t try to lose weight during this whole thing. So after a month of eating celery stalks and getting proficient at picking out the fiborous threads out of my teeth that accompany it, I went to the doctor and the BP was 120 over 72!!! Both my doctor and I were excited and I got off my meds. That was 4 years ago and I still maintain that lower BP. Perhaps this will help some one else. C