Heaven Letters Published on: July 14, 2013
There is love around you. It surrounds you. It is you. You are love. You might as well know it, and know also how loved you are. Multiply what you think love is and how much you think it is worth – multiply it infinitely. That’s how much love you are, and how much you are loved. There is no end to it.
And, yet, on Earth, how many of My children have begun to know a surfeit of love? What few have even had an inkling of the depth and extent of love? Yet how many have stood in the shadows of love and known the depth and extent of not feeling loved? How many? And worst of all, how many have not known how much love shines in their own hearts? Not enough. Love is your birthright, beloveds. Love is to be believed in.
Love is your natural state.
So how can there be such a detour from love that you may feel you don’t really know it or not have it fully available to you? Of course, you are greedy for love. You feel that you have to have it. What you do have to have is the awareness of love in your heart. Unless you are aware and can reach all this love, you crave it and don’t know your worth.
Love is the greatest Source. Love is also the sole ingredient of love. It has no other. There is no peripheral to love. Love stands on its own. Love needs no crutches, no embellishments. And yet how much you crave love, to receive love, to know love so that you can experience the fullness of love that I tell you abounds within you.
Even one percent of love can make you blossom like a radiant cherry tree in spring.
Beloveds, you are easily able to believe in a little bit of snake venom’s causing death! Two-hundred pounds of bone and flesh cannot withstand a drop of certain kinds of snake poison. You believe this. You know this. You have heard of this. It doesn’t even matter to you where you heard of this, who said it, or who wrote it. It is enough that you heard. You never doubted it.
And, yet, for so many years, have I been telling you that love is all, and you are love, and you shrug your shoulders or look askance. I am telling you that 1% of love is more powerful than a ton of anything else, and you may say: “Sure, sure, God,” and you toss off what I say as if it were pure fabrication. What does God know, you must think.
Why am I, Who is Truth, not believed or adhered to enough? Because you have felt that love has eluded you? Is that what it is?
Most likely snake poison has also eluded you, yet you do believe in the power of snake bites.
What makes the difference? Because snake poison can be bottled and love cannot be? Is that what keeps you away from believing in yourself as a Loving Being? Love is the very basis of life, and you are alive, and you are alive with love, if you but knew.
If you would reach into your heart with a key, you would see an ocean of love spill out from your heart and flow from now throughout all Eternity.
Beloveds, you also believe in perfume even when you don’t see it. Of course, you pick up its scent, for you have a sense from which you glean that sense called the sense of smell.
Right now, right this minute, develop your God Sense. God is love. You’ve heard that. Now know My love, and know it is yours.