Cupcakes and Angels Posted on
“Each and every Being who resides within the Human vessel is in possession of the strength to be whoever and whatever he or she wishes to be. This strength is gifted to you from the very highest level of our Being, from Source Creator, from the Archangels, Masters and in synchronicity with the alignment of the Stars. Sit upright in the meditative state and summon to your person the power and vitality of a thousand Warriors. For it is your right to do so. Sense that like a Lotus flower, so the Crown opens and receives an abundance of this golden light. Finer still, sit in stillness beneath the noonday sun and open to receive her power. Feel it moving down from the heavens, in you and through you, and as it comes to stillness to reside in your Solar Plexus – which is your power center. I speak to you on this day of power; an essential commodity of which you so mistakenly assume your precious selves to be lacking.
You are neither helpless nor victimized. You have come into this incarnation by choice, as vanquishers of the dark. Carriers of the torchlight, the light of the Sun. It is the Sun which warms the sands and feeds all life. She and she alone both carries and transmits that which signals to your dormant DNA that the time of the transfiguration is now. Yet she cannot and will not intervene in the absence of your consent. Make haste and go outside your darkened rooms and tell her that indeed, you most graciously grant her leave to affect you. And then show her your gratitude in your show of compassion and love to Gaia and all life which thrives upon her. Never be afraid to be powerful, Kind Warriors, nor to be noticed as you stand tall and mighty in the glory of your light. Never disempower yourself by adopting the posture of victimhood.”
So says beloved Sekhmet…
Today’s card features the indomitable Mother Sekhmet, Sun Goddess, protectress, and vibrant reminder of how through the integration of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies we become both gentle and powerful at the same time. Viewed in a more practical, day-to-day manner, the fiery influences of the Sun can be incorporated in a variety of ways. For example, be confident in your beliefs and don’t be afraid to put them into practice. Stand up for the truth, and speak it in an unassuming and nonjudgemental way. Inspire the people you encounter with your air of grace and purpose. Sekhmet is also the lioness – the great providor and guardian. Be as she is, and provide wisdom and guidance to all who seek you out. She is loyal, so just like her we must do right by those who look to us for care and direction.
Another aspect of this card is the message it brings forth about self-care. Put very simply; go outside and get some sun!!! Take charge of your physical health and really dissect your eating and exercise habits. You have the power and the will to take control and make the changes necessary to keep your body healthy. This card also encourages us to purge ourselves of all negative thoughtforms and old, obsolete programming. We are guided to resist the temptation to backslide into destructive habits and behaviors that do not serve our highest good, or that of the planet. And most importantly, just be confident and happy, and a shining example of how great life as an awakened Human can be!
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