Conducting Our Assurance

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Conducting Our Assurance


Nothing to take away.

I am learning to trust the descending energy from within. learning to trust my self and love my being. This is for all eternity.

This is the perfect process that perfectly brought us here now. We have made this kindness and compassion, so perfect.

Come into the sky. You have been practicing flying within our group, across the Ages, as we have descended across the Dimensions, as we have expanded from the Most High Within. In Essence You are a Master of flight. This is developed with practice descending from the Most High Limitless First Source and Center of all things Within. Fall if you have to, I will catch you, and in the end as you realize you are ready,  We can fly in the new expanded sky just Like we have for an entire Age as a Group Essence Body in the inner sky. I will Catch you In Essence and you will remember when I do that you can Fly In The New Earth as In The New Heaven Within.

Thank you Temple, I assure you this is perfect. Our Perfect New Born Child Self Energy is the result of Perfect Infinite Love Creation Descending and Ascending from infinity within to Us Being Here Now.

Conducting Our Assurance

Jason Walter DeCoste
