Finding the path

Billie Jean's picture

( From the strange mind of ....ME ♥)

Life seemed so easy for Dorothy and Toto don't you think? Picked up in a whirl wind of energy and dropped right in the path she needed to follow to find her way home.

Oh there were lions and tigers and bears on her walk and flying monkeys to derail her, and who could forget the evil witch so full of the anger and bitterness of her life, wishing to be someone special and all it would take was a beautiful pair of red sparkly shoes... But wait... doesn't that sound like all of us?

We know our path and we know in all of this energy and it sure feels like we are being spun into unconsciousness doesn't it???

But we forget that ALL we need to do is allow it to take us exactly where we belong, just like Dorothy did, when she went in her room, holding Toto tight and resigned her self to being sucked up in to the vortex... but we are so afraid to go there, to believe, it even exists. That place over the rainbow .

We dance around with the lollipop kids, get our hair and nails done, look in amazement at the horse of a different color, and call on Glenda the good witch to remind us that we really do have the power to go home to the place we know we are always loved.

We just need to see it!

How simple is that?

We have our own lions and tigers and bears, that create this fear in us, and like Dorothy seek those to walk with us, to guide us and to help us see,we are never alone.

We have the courage of a lion,even though sometime it takes all that courage to step beyond what we are told... where we find the true courage to be WHO we are... the brains, even if we feel we are just a scarecrow brushing the birds off of our crops so they can grow, and even if occasionally those birds come along and eat our seeds, we know all it exactly as it should be... and the heart of gold just as the tin man had if WE would only choose to see it and use it appropriately.

Nope not us... were the witch seeing the ruby slippers believing that all that glitters will provide us with everything we need... well we all know how that ended for the poor witch, in a crumpled heap of smoldering ashes... so how is it we find that yellow brick road, that will lead us to the emerald castle, the wizard and eventually to a place called home...over the rainbow?

I suppose we find it just as Dorothy did... we realize as a collective group that we have ALWAYS had the power to go home, and it doesn't really require us to click our heals three times... It requires us to notice WHERE we are, WHO we are and WHAT is ultimately truly important in our life...

SO here we are, feeling lost, and hopeless, eyes wide open, bombarded from every direction... as Dorothy was with apples... which it turns was all apart of the plan...

For me... especially in these times, and I am sure many of you are feeling it too, there is a need to find the path , the one with all the apples, a desire to take a bite, and fill that hunger. You know the's the satisfaction of filling your self with all those things that bring you joy and the Ruby slippers are not it..that is just a way of pretending you have it all.

There is now, this knowing that things are not the way to the path, all the pretty things haven't change how you really feel inside, awards, expensive clothing, vacations, or wads of cash wrapped up inside your pockets haven't change a thing... except to feed your ego.

So how do we find this path? By looking inside, looking at what really is most important... feeding your soul...Easier said the done these days, I will agree.

I saw something today, funny as it is now... I totally missed the significance of it until I opened up to it's purpose.

In my conversation with Helios this morning, ( I talk with him and Bartholomew each morning and evening) I asked a simple question...I didn't really get a clear answer... and so I figured it was one of those cases where they step back and let me figure it out... well no... I won't waste time with the WHOLE story just the out come...

When I went to my car, moved out of the garage there was a HUGE puddle of transmission fluid under it, and a bolt laying in the fluid... HUH... Now I haven't driven the jeep in more than 6 weeks, it basically sits in the garage holding the cement down... another story entirely... but hours later I realized I had gotten my answer and the only way they could give it to me was for me to SEE IT... Go figure...

So what the point?

Had I looked at this pink puddle as a complete disaster, got angry and frustrated, and gave up I would have completely missed MY answer... But I saw it... I SAW IT...

so how do you find the path???

SEE IT... see all the little things, that just as Dorothy and Toto did... keep your focus on what your heart is telling you, see all the signs, and strange occurrences as steps ON your path, Just as Dorothy did...cause ladies and gentleman... Really were not in Kansas anymore... take a rest in the poppy fields when you need to... and keep going... eventually you will become the wizard, and find your way home... and understand you were in the right path all along.♥)


Really liked this analogy

BelindaLove's picture
Really understood and was in joy of this one. Lately have been feeling like 3D is becoming thinner energetically, and notice my day is starting to feel a somewhat like a dream than my night dreams. My dreams and times I call on Angels and Guides are beginning to feel denser and with more power behind them. Also noticed my dreams all becoming technicolor, and feel very real.

Nice Analogy, Billy Jean

TheFlashRon's picture

You're right. we're NOT in Kansas anymore, Auntie M. I can see where this story serves very well in the awakening. My compliments to a fellow Light Worker in service to the awakening.

Blessings, All