[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on earth, this is I, Archangel Raphael, speaking to you.
In this energy a lot of people are experiencing increased miracles, and these will intensify more as more of this energy comes into this planet. Join us today beginning at 1:30pm on the Higher Grid Live at this link:
Love the Earth Allies
Greetings Love Beings, Welcome To Another day In some Exciting Energies AGAIN! These Are Unstoppable! You can Join Your Earth Allies Live Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific till?....... For a Galactic Love Party To Really Lighten Up the Higher Grid! When you Join us and Add Your Light this Effects the Entire Planet and Humanity! We Will See Everyone there! We have an Unlimited amount of Space for Everyone to Join us In Some Laughter, High Vibrational Music and whatever else unfolds... We Never Know! LOL! Its Always a Party When Love Is Present!
Photo Taken from Mt Shasta Incoming!
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
The cabal that illegally and surreptitiously seized power in the West knows it has lost the war for planetary control. The result is spreading chaos and panic amongst the cabal elite. The signs of this are everywhere now both in the public realm and in the still secret world of military, spy and gangster agencies.
Weather.com, By: Liz Burlingame, 07/19/2013
A heat wave in England is being blamed for hundreds of premature deaths, and a wildfire warning has been issued as the mercury continues to rise. Research conducted for The Times by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine estimated the death toll for the first nine days of the heat wave as between 540 and 760 people in England alone.
Science News, 7/18/13
July 18, 2013 — A snow line has been imaged in a far-off infant solar system for the very first time. The snow line, located in the disc around the Sun-like star TW Hydrae, promises to tell us more about the formation of planets and comets, the factors that decide their composition, and the history of the Solar System.
CHANCE OF STORMS: A stream of high-speed solar wind is blowing past Earth. So far the low-density stream is doing little to spark geomagnetic storms. This could change, however, with a shift in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). A south-pointing IMF would allow this fast wind into Earth's magnetosphere, possibly sparking bright auroras. NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on July 20th. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
( From the strange mind of ....ME ♥)
Life seemed so easy for Dorothy and Toto don't you think? Picked up in a whirl wind of energy and dropped right in the path she needed to follow to find her way home.
Oh there were lions and tigers and bears on her walk and flying monkeys to derail her, and who could forget the evil witch so full of the anger and bitterness of her life, wishing to be someone special and all it would take was a beautiful pair of red sparkly shoes... But wait... doesn't that sound like all of us?
We know our path and we know in all of this energy and it sure feels like we are being spun into unconsciousness doesn't it???
The Watchers, 7/20/13, Chillimanjaro
Lots o new activity at mysterious Louisiana sinkhole in Bayou Corne. Assumption Parish Police Jury blog reported abundant surface water movement and burp event in the center of the sinkhole starting early on July 19, 2013. Video bellow, released on the same day shows sudden water movement at sinkhole area with tidal wave characteristics.
Love announces and speaks Truth from the heart. Truth is truth and can only be Love.
Only Love can see Brilliance looking at Brilliance, as in True Reality, Heaven On Earth, we are mirrors of perfecting Love and only our Brilliance, our SUNS, diamonds inside, can see INSIDE OUT the Reflection Of Love Everywhere Present, and that is when life becomes REAL.
Drought.gov- 7/20/13
Suspicious Observers, 7/20/13
'"When Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son,' President Obama told reporters Friday afternoon. 'Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.'
In extensive and personal comments concerning last Saturday's not-guilty verdict for George Zimmerman, the Florida neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon in February 2012, the president said he wanted to add 'context' to what's become an intense national discussion about the case and race relations."*
Cenk Uygur, Jimmy Dore, Ben Mankiewicz and John Iadarola break it down.
I don’t know how I can possibly put into words all that I wish to communicate in this one seemingly “ordinary” message. So, I don’t think I will even try–especially since I already know that the energy of “trying” only creates more “trying.” And that, I just realized, is a very important awareness to be sharing in this post! AND… there you have it. This is eactly what keeps happening to me all day long NOW.
[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans here on earth, this is I, Archangel Raphael, speaking to you.
Press for Truth
ADG UK - 20 July, 2013
Intriguing images from NASA SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) which indicates yet again that there is an extraterrestrial presence around our Sun.
HeavenLetters Published on: July 20, 2013
God said:
You are My testament to Myself. You are the Speaker and Revealer of My Heart. Reveal it! Get on with it now.
Weather.com - Lorraine Boissoneault and Camille Mann, 7/12/13
From monasteries built on the side of an active volcano, to temples seemingly suspended in air on the side of mountains, religious architecture around the world has often relied on engineering feats of great ingenuity to withstand the elements and the test of time.
GFP Note: This is a follow-up to our earlier story
Round-Up: The Universe is a Holographic Projection.
Two videos follow the essay.
Uploaded on Mar 2, 2010 by InnerChallenge
Jim Carrey like you have never seen him before! Jim Carrey puts words around the power of intention, and the potential for transformational media.
Source: Waking Times - Posted by Dylan Charles, 7/18/13
By Peter Borys, Jr., Guest
July 19, 2013 The Creator Writings
Your self-worth is yours and belongs to no one else. Do not let others determine your experience to what is rightfully yours. ~ Creator
As a child of the indigenous Sami people, Sofia has been strongly influenced by the powerful landscapes that surround her and the deep connection that her ancestors
have fostered through their traditional livelihoods which bond them to their land.
As a singer/songwriter, she has toured around the world performing her unique blend of jazz and pop, fused with the Sami musical tradition of Yoik .
July 19, 2013 by Nancy B. Detweiler
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
Remembering past lives can be significant in assisting us to understand ourselves: why we feel as we do about particular people, events, and things. Mercury is retrograde for a few more days. This means that soul memories of prior lifetimes more readily move into our conscious awareness. These memories are coming forth to add understanding to our lives … to be forgiven … and to be released from our energy field.
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - July 9, 2013
Regeneration of Life is a part of Living in Radiance. Sign up before July 31. TheGabrielMessages.com
July 19, 2013 by John Smallman
30 earthquakes
3.1 47km NE of Road Town, British Virgin Islands 2013-07-19 16:14:17 UTC-04:00 61.0 km
4.4 223km NNW of Auckland Island, New Zealand 2013-07-19 15:39:13 UTC-04:00 43.2 km
4.5 14km W of Little Sitkin Island, Alaska 2013-07-19 15:11:18 UTC-04:00 129.5 km
3.9 32km WNW of Cantwell, Alaska 2013-07-19 15:10:28 UTC-04:00 106.1 km
You can Join Father God Today ON the Higher Grid Beginning at 2:00pm Pacific Live at this Link!
See You there! Love The Earth Allies
Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
Greetings Love Beings, Divine Roles and Missions are Unfolding as We Prepare for a Planetary Awakening! Is this Your Role, are You Being called? Today we are Hosting a 15 Min Meeting Beginning at 11:00am Pacific for those Who are Being Called to Be a Part of The Higher Grid Team! You can Join us At this Link for Details http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
See You There!
Earthsky.org, 7/19/13
Earthsky.org, 7/19/13
Through Wes Annac-
With warm and Loving greetings from every facet of we souls speaking with you, I am Saan of the Arcturian Councils of the Galactic Federation.
The Galactic Federation as you’ve perceived of it is an organization of myriad ascended races and societies, who’ve evolved from our respective planets and seek to help as many lower-dimensional civilizations to evolve as possible.
Transmission 071713Many of you are being asked at this time, due to energetic influences from the Greater Sun, to pack up your things, to pull up what you thought was your anchoring in the ground and the places where you have found shelter. For some this is metaphorical, for others it is literal.
One of the most transformational, inspiring, & beautiful films of 2012 is now available to watch for free. If you do not have a Netflix account, you can now watch 3 Magic
Words for free on Hulu!
Our Connection To The Universe
Theweatherspace.com, 7/15,13
During a star party on the night of July 8th, Astronomer Gennady Borisov discovered a new comet near Capella, the brightest star in the constellation Auriga.
Ncdc.noa.gov, 7/19/13
Suspicious Observers, 7/19/13
Published on Jul 19, 2013