HeavenLetters Published on: July 25, 2013
It has been said that there is nothing new under the Sun. This saying makes a point, and it is well-advised. And here We have an instance of when the opposite is also true, for every day is a new day, and there is plenty new under the Sun.
Every day something new is developed or published or considered, something never quite the same before. There are words connected into sentences that have never been connected in this particular way before. Of course, babies are born every day, and yet no one knows the blessing the baby will grow up to be. No one knows. There is no scale from which to predict. Life is full of surprises.
Who knew when President Lincoln was born that he would grow up to become president and accomplish a step forward towards freedom? Who knew that someone would grow up to become a tinker or tailor or sailorman? Maybe some did. Maybe some had an idea, and others had no idea. Life is not predictable. That is why the world, as you know it, is called the relative world. Only relative to what, nobody knows.
Who knew that one baby girl would grow up to have five children, and another baby daughter would grow up to have none? Who knew which baby would live a long prosperous life and another would not? No one knows the hour of his so-called death, and no expectant mother knows beforehand exactly when her baby is due to be born.
Look, Infinity exists. There are Infinite ways that life can unfold. All possibilities exist. And all of the Infinite possibilities are not known.
Sometimes you might like the idea of knowing everything beforehand. Sometimes it might feel like a relief for you to know. You might like to know who it is that you will marry, and when you will meet, yet, then, that would not be life, would it? You might not want to know when you would have an accident, especially if there were no way provided for you to avert it. You would want to know many things for curiosity, perhaps, but then what?
The very unexpectedness of life is its charm. You really don’t want to be an automaton.
So, in life, you speculate. It is a gamble. To speculate is one thing. Dreaming is another. Dreams can come true. Dreams are a worthy part of your day. Better to have a dream that does not come true than to never dream. Yes, I promote dreaming. I would like to advertise it. Dream, I would say. Dream BIG. Dream BIGGER. Allow yourself dreams. Have them. You have to start somewhere.
Now, even as you might like life to be set up differently, despite your protests about life as it is laid out, no one yet has figured out a better way. Because of the nature of the relative world, any other design of life in the world would also hold its attractions and its obstacles, its upsides and downsides and so on.
You might like life to stay still when you wish so you can have a pause from it. You might like to stay young forever. You might like to stay alive forever, just you or everyone. In the relative world, there are plusses and minuses. That’s the physical world for you.
And yet beyond what might be called gates, there is a world that would suit you to a T, and it would not be boring. This less noticed world exists even now as We speak, and you are not a stranger to it.