The past six days have manifested 5-dimensional reality as the only option for existence. The flow of time demonstrated a cadence that rocked the night - the rain split the sky while Rain and company partied under the bridge. Lightening and rainbows - and wetness from the sky in late july during heat soaked drought. Oregon today is full of smoke from the fires, many fires - the earth is scorching as the minions fail to maintain the illusion.
Lemme thanks all those love being earth allied Gaia hugging souls that worked through the challenges of all that is to be. We found love ever present wins : all beings have their own path and route that converges unto us together. Follow your heart = earth, invest in your being to carry your own weight in a world of giving and graciously receiving. We bring light.
Something new is happening - the common perception is lost - be one with all and learn to greet things as though it is new and novel - without precondition or attachment. The woods are lovely dark and deep, and we all have promises to keep - so miles to go before we sleep, awake ourselves and carry truth. Love wins, so now we watch and wait for the fields to clear. Love to all - thanks for the fun.
Lemme I find your message
Lemme I find your message fresh and new, exciting and true; yes our paths converge, timelines synchronize as the energies surge. As we grow in harmony together in the vibration of Love, we become the embodied expressions of our souls great purpose conceived in the realms above.
Blessings All
Wonderful, Brother! Thank you for sharing.
I love you!